Microsoft MB-210 kaj MB-220 Cert Exam : Praktika Testa Ekzameno
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Welcome to the practice test for exam Microsoft MB-210 and MB-220 Cert Exam : Praktika Testa Ekzameno
MB-210 exam candidates are Dynamics 365 functional consultants with sales expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that support a sales life cycle to run efficiently and effectively to meet revenue targets, business strategies, and company objectives.Candidates must have strong business knowledge and preferably first-person experience in the sales world in one or more sales roles.
MB-220 exam candidates are Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultants with marketing expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that attract and convert leads, build brand awareness, standardize omnichannel messaging, and deliver marketing insights.Candidates should have some knowledge of marketing principles and the Marketing application’s role in relationship to the Dynamics 365 suite of applications, including integration with Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365 aplikoj. Candidates should understand industry terminology, priorities, common initiatives, normoj, metodikoj, and best practices.
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Microsoft Exam MB-210 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:
Perform configuration
Manage core sales entities
Manage sales entities
Microsoft Exam MB-220 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:
Agordi merkatajn aplikaĵojn
Administri segmentojn kaj listojn
Kreu kaj administru merkatajn formularojn kaj paĝojn
Administri kondukojn
Kreu kaj administru merkatajn retpoŝtojn
Administri klientajn vojaĝojn
Administri eventojn kaj retseminariojn
Configure and analyze customer responses
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