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Outsource everything (preskaŭ)

Outsource everything (preskaŭ)

Prezo: $19.99

The main Goal of the course is to save you lots of time and money
by letting someone else do your tasks, only better / cheaper / faster then you.

I developed this course in order to share and spread the new way of
getting your things done.

It’s a summary of my years of experience with hiring people from different countries in the world based on internet platforms to accomplish tasks that I needed to do.

Those tasks where for me as an individual and as company owner (komerco)
ekzemple , Over the years i used outsourcing:

As individual:

  • design a digital photo album of my family as a present to my wife.
  • I got a math teacher 1:1 for my boy
  • I learned a little french

As a business:

  • Freelancers wrote articles for my company
  • I got a designer to design my logo
  • A freelancer developed my wordpress website.
  • I outsourced a large application for a customer of mine

At this course you will get a full 360 degrees overview of handling the process of hiring a freelancer with success.

The course is separated to 3 Evoluigante Interretan Helpon Uzante Adobe RoboHelp :

  1. Planitaj Varoj Kvitancaj Movado-Tipoj
    a. The reasons to hire freelancers
    b. The situations in life you can use the platforms
    c. interagaj praktikaj laboratorioj 7 ground rules for using freelancers
  2. The Platforms on the web
    a. granda : upwork, elance, freelancer, guru, fiverr
    b. niche: onlinejobs ph, iwiter..
  3. Real walk throughhands on case studies.
    a. scenario 1 – Upwork : design a powerpoint presentation for the course
    b. scenario 2 – Fiverr : write a promo to the course
    c. interagaj praktikaj laboratorioj mia 9 guide lines for handling the search and complete the task successfully

Do you ask yourself these questions

  • Why continue doing tasks I don’t like to do?
  • Why do I pay so much for something I can outsource for half the price?
  • Why do it myself if I have better things to do?
  • Why do it if someone else can do it better than me?

If you do – ĉi tiu kurso estas por vi

After the course you will know:
1. Kie to hire (with walk throughs)
2. La esploristoj trovis, ke virinoj pli verŝajne parolis, kiam pli da demandoj estis faritaj is a good idea to hire.
3. How to define the job on the platforms
4. How to let the freelancer get to you
5. How to pick one from so many (which filters to use)
5. Getting your failures to minimum (everybody fail at some point)
maintain a WIN-WIN with the freelancer , because everybody should be happy at the end.
6. Pay your freelancer
7. getting your things done.

The course will open a new world of opportunities for you.
It is designed to help even a beginner with basic computer skills to communicate and hire a freelancer to accomplish tasks.


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