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50 Nuevas formas de comprar un automóvil

50 Nuevas formas de comprar un automóvil

Precio: Libre

How to Insure a Great Car Buying Experience. Hola, I’m Gordon Wright, A Friend in the Car Business. Regardless of whether you’re an experienced car buyer or doing this for the first time, it’s an infrequent activity and that means we could all use a friend in the car business. I have structured this Udemy course into 5 Secciones con 50 short bite-size video lectures covering the most important tips and pieces of advice that I have been able to put together based on a decade in the car business helping thousands of car buyers and car shoppers to navigate this important purchase decision and process.

We start off with a short Introducción and then proceed to a series of tips and advice under the section: Before Visiting a Car Dealership – Lo que necesitas saber. It’s possible to get some of the process accomplished prior to visiting the dealership and even connect with a salesperson that you can “audition” before leaving your home. Making sure you understand what you need and what you want before heading off to the dealership is critical to avoid scams and ripoffs that are all too common, even now.

Then we move to What Happens at the Dealership so you are prepared to manage your way through your own buying process instead of the well-crafted sales process the dealership prefers. This part of the buying activity is where you must know what to expect so you don’t get de-railed by the dealership agenda.

Then we’ll consider Some Thoughts on Buying a Used Car in the next section. This is a viable option for many people that has its own rules and potential pitfalls. Entonces, we will talk about creating A Great Delivery and Ownership Experience. I’ll suggest some things you can do to get your ownership started on the right foot. Por el camino, I have provided some bonus resources you can use as well as short quizzes and questionnaires to help keep you focussed.

How your car purchase project turns out will be much improved by learning and understanding how the game works.

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