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Dominio ágil de Scrum: Simulación completa del proyecto + Certificación

Dominio ágil de Scrum: Simulación completa del proyecto + Certificación

Precio: $129.99

IMPORTANTE: This course is up-to-date and is based on Scrum Guide 2020.

Bienvenida a la most complete course on Agile Scrum online. Learn Agile Scrum fundamentals in a fun and engaging format. And save money on Agile Scrum Certification.

This is primarily a Learn By Doing curso.

So we’ll quickly dive into 3 hands on, real world projects that show how successful teams run Agile Scrum.

What you’ll get from this course.

  1. I’ll show why Agile Scrum works so well for so many software projects.

  2. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of Official Agile Scrum, as described in the Scrum .orgRule Bookof Scrum.

  3. And then we’ll go beyond, by layering on Unofficial Agile Scrum, to see how successful teams fill the gaps in Scrum.

  4. We’ll also complete a step-by-step, real world project together, that will show you how to go from a product idea, to a fully functioning physical backlog.

  5. We’ll then simulate a full Sprint cycle. From Sprint Planning, to Sprint Restrospective, you’ll gain practical tips on how to effectively manage a sprint.

  6. In the final two practical projects, we’ll migrate to digital backlogs, utilizando Trello, and then to JIRA. We’ll also examine in-depth, how to effectively set-up, administer and run Scrum projects.

Why learn Agile Scrum? Most software development teams have today migrated to Agile methodologies, and Scrum is by far the most popular Agile framework.

But Agile Scrum is also widely misunderstood. It is so flexible that teams have a variety of options to successfully implement it. And a variety of ways to go wrong.

In a field where so many teams follow counter-productive Scrum practices, copying others wont work.

Don’t Imitate. Entender.

This course will teach you the underlying values and principles of Agile Scrum. And the practical portion will showcase how successful teams run Agile Scrum using approaches that embrace the core Scrum values.

Whether you’re a Scrum Master, Product Owner or other team member, this course will help prepare you for success. You’ll be able to identify and avoid unproductive workplace practices, and confidently use the latest Agile Scrum tools and techniques that are so essential to success.

If you work in the software development space, learning Agile Scrum will accelerate your career and open new doors.

What if I have questions? Yo ofrezco apoyo total, respondiendo cualquier pregunta que tengas 7 dias por semana (mientras que muchos instructores responden solo una vez por semana, o nada).Esto significa que nunca te quedarás atrapado en una lección durante días y días.. Con mi guía sostenida por la mano, avanzará sin problemas en este curso sin obstáculos importantes. Tampoco hay riesgo!Este curso viene con un completo 30 garantía de devolución de dinero por día. Es decir, si no está completamente satisfecho con el curso o su progreso., simplemente avísame y te reembolsaré 100%, hasta el último centavo sin preguntas.

You either end up with Agile Scrum skills, go on to potentially supercharge your career, o prueba el curso y simplemente recupera todo su dinero si no le gusta ...Literalmente no puedes perder. Listo para comenzar? Enlístate ahora using the “Add to Cart” button on the right, and get started on your way to becoming a Scrum pro. O, tome este curso para un giro gratis usando la función de vista previa, para que sepas que eres 100% seguro que este curso es para ti.Te veo dentro (apurarse, your first class is waiting!)

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