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LA 400 : Azure DevOps Practice tests with detailed solutions

LA 400 : Azure DevOps Practice tests with detailed solutions

Precio: $19.99

The Course includes practice tests for Azure DevOps AZ-400. This will be a challenging journey before you appear for actual exam. And i am sure you will be benefited from the variety of questions which is included in this test.

These tests will be monitored and updated by us on regular basis so that you will experience the latest questions.

The skills which are tested in the exam

  1. Design a DevOps strategy (20-25%)

  2. Implement DevOps development processes (20-25%)

  3. Implement continuous integration (10-15%)

  4. Implement continuous delivery (10-15%)

  5. Implement dependency management (5-10%)

  6. Implement application infrastructure (15-20%)

  7. Implement continuous feedback (10-15%)

There will be some Labs from Azure Portal also.

Important Topics for Labs

1. Application Insights

2. AKS

2. Máquinas virtuales

4. ACI

5. Creación de canalizaciones ADF para ejecutar actividades de Databricks Notebook para realizar transformaciones

6. AAD

7. Plantillas ARM

8. Log Analytics


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