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Building Sacred Relationships That Stand The Test of Time

Building Sacred Relationships That Stand The Test of Time

Precio: $99.99

Cha~zay makes a no holds barred approach to outlining relationships and how to get thatonce and for allpartner. Instead of focusing on what the student might expect from another person, Cha~zay sets us on a path to identifying what most of us do, and then takes us through a journey within ourselves through the chakras to discover what is needed to get through the lower vibrations of most relationships to then really see the true goal. I found this course to be extremely enlightening, not only for a solid partnership, but also for building an understanding of myself to approach all my relationships in a more wholesome way. Gracias, Cha~zay! This course was simply awesome!” Keith Gonzales


“I love all your scientific explanations about this topic. LisMarys


“Your words have removed a veil. Estelita


“You just saved me from repeating the same mistakes in falling for the wrong person. This is indeed a time of acceleration of evolution. Olivia X.


Are you tired of mediocre relationships?

Is your soul longing for more profundidad y sentido in your relationships?

Entonces este curso es para ti!

Este curso es no for you if you are looking to collect phone numbers or want to find sexual partners.

When you’re done with this course, you will know exactly what you want from a relationship and what you can arriba (it’s not what you think).

You will know what’s realistic and what’s pure fantasy. Conseguirás grounded y práctico advice so you can be a deliberate creator de un divine relationship that will be the example for all your friends to follow.

You will learn about the importance of your chakra system and receive ‘ahainspiring insights as to why you’ve been attracting the partners you’ve been attracting until now.

You will also learn about male DNA ending up in women’s brains – how to stop taking on other people’s karma and what true, divine and sacred sexuality es.

We are on an evolutionary path and each of us are called to higher ground, más purity, más años de investigación y experiencia personal, transparency y más integridad in our relationships. Why then is it so hard to find a truly compatible partner?

This course will examine the difference between twin flames (twin souls), soul mates, y divine relationships.

Existen four reasons y types of relationships, with the last one being the most coveted and most sought-after and most desired. But do you have what it takes to create such a divine relationship that will stand the test of time?

Find out by taking this jam-packed course right now.

This course features videos, audios, PowerPoint presentaciones, slide shows and several bonificaciones featuring other expertos on the topic.


This information is vital to the evolution of all. Not only is it vital, but incredibly interesting and enlightening. I enjoyed this course very much and now realise how much responsibility I have. Allyria Lai


All aspects of both twin flame and soul mate relationships are being unearthed. So many poignant points are causing me to evaluate who I am and what I want in a relationship. This curse thus far is a catalyst for change for me where I am realizing great choices that I make but also realize there is still further work to do. Corinne D’Onofrio


Palabras clave:

#spiritual union, #marriage is sacred, #soul marriage, #divine relationship, #sacred relationship, #long term relationship stages, #long lasting relationships, #successful relationships, #how to keep a relationship strong and happy, #what is important in relationships, #twin flame, #twin soul,


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