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Análisis de Negocios: Master Stakeholder Profileing en 6 Pasos

Análisis de Negocios: Master Stakeholder Profileing en 6 Pasos

Precio: $24.99

Learn how to more effectively identify, negotiate for, and engage the necessary stakeholder resources for your next project through the power of stakeholder profiling.

The Stakeholder Profiling technique works well in any development environment such as agile, iterative, or waterfall, and can be leveraged at any stage of the development life cycle. While ideally used from the project start, this technique is great for projects that are already in motion since it is never too late to engage the right stakeholders.

This course is designed for those seeking to improve their ability to:

  • Identify and gain access to the right stakeholders.
  • Avoid missed requirements due to overlooked stakeholders.
  • Eliminate wasted time in ‘all-team’ Este curso de planificación diaria te hará volar durante el día..
  • Increase stakeholder buy-in and commitment to the requirements.

Al final del curso, usted será capaz de:

  • Successfully identify the stakeholders that you need.
  • Apply a script to conduct stakeholder interviews.
  • Plan requirements development activities to align with resource availability.
  • Estimate how much time you will need with each stakeholder.
  • Overcome challenges with stakeholders who are bottlenecks, unavailable, inexperienced, or simply uncooperative during your next project.

The ideal student for this course is the:

  • New business analyst that wants to expand on their skills for successfully engaging with stakeholders.
  • Experienced business analyst looking to sharpen their ability to plan and estimate stakeholder involvement in requirement activities.
  • Product owners and project managers seeking to better manage the engagement of stakeholder resources.

Este curso incluye 9 módulos, 31 conferencias, 2 horas y 6 minutos de videos, 10 cuestionarios, 3 downloadable quick-reference job aids, and a complimentary PDF of ‘Chapter 2: Involve the Right Stakeholders’ from Roxanne Miller’s book The Quest for Software Requirements.

Enroll now and gain access to the stakeholders you need!

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