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CNFE – Examinador forense de red certificado

CNFE – Examinador forense de red certificado

Precio: $19.99

Este curso es proporcionado directamente por Mile2®. Este video oficial de Mile2® incluye una preparación y un simulador de exámenes autorizados, disponible a pedido.

The Certified Network Forensics Examiner vendor-neutral certification was developed for a U.S. classified government agency. La C)NFE takes a digital and network forensic skill set to the next level by navigating through over twenty modules of network forensic topics. The CNFE provides practical experience through our lab exercises that simulate real-world scenarios that cover investigation and recovery of data in a network, Physical Interception, Traffic Acquisition, Análisis, Wireless Attacks, and SNORT. The course focuses on the centralizing and investigating of logging systems as well as network devices.

The Certified Network Forensics Examiner exam is taken online through Mile2’s Assessment and Certification System ("MACS"), que es accesible en su cuenta mile2. El examen tomará 2 horas y constan de 100 preguntas de selección múltiple. El precio es $400 USD and must be purchased directly from Mile2®.

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