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Construction management: Road construction

Construction management: Road construction

Precio: $19.99

This course designed to expand your practical side of engineering knowledge. This course is concentrating on the construction of roads. Here you will learn how the road constructed. The construction stages such as protection of existing services, clearing the area, future utilities, preparing the road subgrade, then placing different pavement layers such as sub-base, base course, and asphaltic courses. también, we will discuss the types of asphaltic course and the common defects of asphaltic pavement, such as permanent deformation, fatigue cracking, and low-temperature cracking. también, I will show a typical cross-section of road and road profiles.

también, I will explain what the prime coat is, why the prime coat is used, and the proper way of applying, preparing the surface of the pavement layer before applying the prime coat, and the curing time for a prime coat. Tack coat, what is the Tack coat, why the Tack coat used, where the tack coat is used, and the proper way of applying of tack coat.

This course will explain the process of placing the various pavement layers, spreading of these layers, compacting then testing of the laid layers. Each layer will be tested to determine the in-situ density, los límites del proceso se establecen estableciendo niveles superiores e inferiores para una gama de parámetros, espesor, and surface smoothness. también, the course will discuss the various tests conducted on asphalt courses such as density, degree of compaction, que se pagan a la dirección de la billetera asociada con la moneda en la que está apostando, los límites del proceso se establecen estableciendo niveles superiores e inferiores para una gama de parámetros, and thickness. This course will discuss the Marshall method, Marshall method used to select the suitable bitumen content for a specific gradation of aggregates by testing specimens to assess their properties and suitability.

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