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Curso 1: Configurar el servidor de Windows 2019 Network-Microsoft series

Curso 1: Configurar el servidor de Windows 2019 Network-Microsoft series

Precio: $74.99

Official Microsoft Course structure”, “English subtitles”, “Lab manuals”, “Beneficial resources”.

Este curso es one of 10 cursos en Win Server 2019 serie, designed to cover the 3 niveles “Les doy la bienvenida a mi curso “Cómo hacer una Limpieza Espiritual para crear un Lugar Sagrado”, Intermediate and Professional”.

Estas 10 courses is all you need to land your dream job if you are looking for jobs as Help-desk, Junior Admin or even as Asociado de soluciones certificado de Microsoft (MCSA)

This series includes the official courses of Windows Server 2019 (Directorio Activo,Network and Storage) and some customized courses from real IT industry enlightening topics like OFICINA, Potencia Shell , Seguridad y muchos más.

We have also incorporated Windows Admin Center(WAC) cual is a customer-deployed, browser-based app for managing servers, clusters, hyper-converged infrastructure, y Windows 10 PCs.It is a highly secure, cloud-ready server management solution for future.

This course will help you set your Windows server 2019 la red, you will be creating 2 network offices and activate routing between them, the same network will be used in advance courses in this series. Our aim is to connect all the dots in the big picture of IT industry. By building your own network from scratch you will gain confidence and a feel of working in a real Network.

The course also has the necessary concepts of ANUNCIO(Directorio Activo), DNS y DHCP; in addition to FFL/DFL, FSMO roles y Global Catalog.

I have published few free videos in this course and i will highly recommend you to watch Lecture No. 4 “Network course topicsto get an idea of what are we planning to achieve from this course.

Stay connected to get updates for future courses and be the first one to get notified about new releases and official information from Microsoft.

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