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Genio del pensamiento creativo Vol.. 1:  Dé rienda suelta a su creatividad

Genio del pensamiento creativo Vol.. 1: Dé rienda suelta a su creatividad

Precio: $89.99

For most people creative inspiration is a complete mystery.

They have no idea what gives rise to their creative inspiration and how to have greater control over this process.

Pero, what if you could have more control?

En este curso, you’ll learn specific techniques to more fully unlock your creative genius, generate creative ideas and solutions at will and overcome the barriers that keep you stuck.

Unleash your creative potential, with this unique creativity course for beginnerseven if you’re highly analytical

What will I be able to DO after I enroll?

  • INSPIRE More Creative Brain States Naturally
  • GENERATE Creative Ideas at Will
  • FIND Creative Solutions to Problems Quickly
  • OVERCOME Procrastination to Taking Action on Your Creative Ideas
  • FIND More Joy and Fulfillment in Life Through Increased Self-Expression
  • HAVE Greater Control Over Your Own Creative Process
  • OUTLINE a Plan for a Bringing Your Creative Vision to Life

Very informative. Lots of pure content and strategies; all explained very directly, without any of the fluff and in a way that makes perfect sense. I really enjoyed it!”

-Harold Sconiers

Great Course! Just what I was looking for! Thank Ken

-Janie Foitag

Awesome materials

I really enjoyed the analysis of how Creativity gets sabotaged and we don’t even notice it! The steps Ken describes to overcome any obstacle that gets in the way between you and your true potential are so helpful and easy to follow, I loved this course! :)”

-Elena Seranova

Excellent Class

Ken cuts to the chase and breaks things down into easy to understand language of our conscious minds and brain states. Whoever knew, other than neuroscience? He describes many ways to overcome that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach, that you’re supposed to be doing something with your life, and just can’t carry it to task.

He references concepts and lays out strategies we can implement to use the “Correcto” part of our brains to get the most accomplished, y con suerte, into a better mindset to achieve our goals.

Ken is not only a great instructor; he’s not afraid to show his human side, someone most of us, can relate to!”

-Marie Patten

I created this course because my business forces me to be engage my imagination and creativity, cotidiano.

This doesn’t come naturally to me since I tend to be more on the analytical side.

Having been immersed in the personal development world for close to 20 años, I’ve tried a ton of different approaches.

Meditación, PNL, Positive Psychology, Brainwave Entrainment, Bio-feedback, Tu dilo.

Some things worked and others didn’t.

What I’ve provided for you here is a toolkit of some of the most effective and easiest to use techniques and methods, stripped of jargon and excess fluff.

What will I learn specifically?

  • How to Easily Get into a More Creative Frame of Mind
  • The Source of All Creativity
  • Understanding the Best Brain States for Producing Creativity
  • A Simple Often Overlooked Method to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
  • “los “Random Cocktail Method” For Coming Up with Fresh Ideas
  • How to Use “The Letter Idea Generator” To Boost Your Creativity
  • A Powerful Technique to Quickly Find Solutions to Problems
  • How to Easily Transform Your Worldview & See Solutions Everywhere
  • How to Turn Problems Into Opportunities & Resources Fast
  • A Simple Way to a Fresh Perspective
  • How to Beat The Biggest Enemy of Creativity
  • How to Avoid The Major Pitfall Faced By Artists & High Achievers
  • How to Overcome Writer’s BlockThe Right Way
  • Outline a Plan for a Bringing Your Creative Vision to Life

In short you will learn specifically why, qué, Las empresas que confían en las estrategias tradicionales de relaciones públicas corren el riesgo de quedarse atrás de la competencia., where and exactly how to generate creative inspiration at will, find fresh solutions to problems and overcome the obstacles to your creative expression.

Asi que, go ahead click the green on the right hand side, so you can stop waiting for creativity tohityou and start breathing life into your creative vision today.

What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change.

If you don’t love the course..if it doesn’t deliver on every promise, you can always get 100% of your money back, so there’s no reason not to enroll.

Once you enroll you’re given step by step instructions y easy to follow exercises.

Cómo hacer que la gente preste atención a lo que tienes que decir, you’ll have my help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation.

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