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Enterprise IT Business Analysis

Enterprise IT Business Analysis

Precio: $79.99

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  1. Career Enhancement: Ongoing commitment to, and investment in, your professional development and the success of your yourself or organization.

  2. Well-Rounded Curriculum: My course offer a blend of courses to develop competencies, and provide experience through hands-on practice with real-world challenges for typical BA tasks.

  3. Immediate Application: I have designed this course to have practical learning activitiesenabling you to apply what you learn in class directly to your work environment.

  4. Current Topics and Comprehensive Materials: Course topics and materials are continuously updated to reflect changes in the workplace and the latest industry best practices.

  5. Dynamic Instructions engaging you in relevant real-world experience.

Main Reasons For Creating This Course:

  1. To help students:

    1. Understand IT project lifecycle and explain where a BA is specifically involved

    2. Master skillset for BA tasks in a start-up or an enterprise level organization

  2. Learn and apply requirements elicitation and management techniques.

  3. Draft Requirements for a real-world IT enterprise project.

  4. BA course curriculum that would explain IT projects from a very realistic (real-world IT environment) and practical standpointEnterprise Project Demo.


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