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Implemente proyectos utilizando REFramewok mejorado en UiPath

Implemente proyectos utilizando REFramewok mejorado en UiPath

Precio: Libre

1.Understand about the overview of Enhanced Robotic Enterprise Framework

2. Interact with Enhanced Robotic Enterprise Framework components such as Config Files, Orquestador, JSON and Transaction objects

2.Learn about Work blocks, State Transitions and Try Catch to achieve end to end transaction automation

3.Interacting with Config files and Orchestrator (Queues and Assets) from the framework

4.Understand the implementation of Exception handling and Logging messages

5.Learn to automate any windows and web applications right from scratch using UiPath Enhanced REFramework

6.Demo of implemented framework and verifying Results

Nota: A simple Currency Conversion project using a Desktop application, Web-application and Excel files are implemented for Demo purposes

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