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Mejorando su flujo de trabajo con Gulp JS

Mejorando su flujo de trabajo con Gulp JS

Precio: $49.99

Developing for the web can come with many challenges, but the handling basic, repetitive tasks should not be one of them. Using a build system such as Gulp can revolutionize the way you work by getting common code and testing tasks out of the way.

En este curso, author Craig Buckler shows how to use this free software to automate tasks and build websites. This course is designed for users that already have some knowledge of HTML and CSS. You will start by learning how to install Gulp JS, then jump into learning how to create Gulp tasks. Desde allí, Craig will teach you about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript processing. This video tutorial will also cover automated testing, how to find Gulp JS plugins, and other Gulp JS resources. Una vez que haya completado este curso de capacitación basado en computadora, you will be fully capable of using Gulp JS to automate tasks and create your own websites from scratch.

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