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Internet de las Cosas (IoT) – The Mega Course

Internet de las Cosas (IoT) – The Mega Course

Precio: $79.99

If you want to make career in Internet of Things: an evolving technology then this course is for you. You will learn everything from high level controllers to interactive dashboard designing.

Definition of Internet of Things:

Internet of Things is a general term used for devices talking over a network for the purpose of Vigilancia, Análisis & Control without any human interference.

As per the definition you will learn the design for all three aspects of IoT i.e. Vigilancia, Análisis & Control

This course is based on hands on approach where you will be doing various projects with different hardware and with different communication technologies so that you will not be limited to one platform.

You will do these 4 Major Projects which you can include in your CV as well

1. Weather Station Using Arduino

2. Water Level Email Notifier using Raspberry Pi

3. Water Level Indicator with a Globally accessible Dashboard

4. Smart Bulb which can be controlled from anywhere on the globe.

After doing all these high level stuffs your IoT design skills will improve gradually.

Todo lo mejor!

Acerca de arkadmin

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