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Comportamiento de los niños, Desarrollo, Motivación, Y aprendiendo

Comportamiento de los niños, Desarrollo, Motivación, Y aprendiendo

Precio: $94.99

Why Can’t a child Choose Their Parents?

The reason why your child was born in this world isn’t for falling behind. If parents gave birth to their children in this world, they are responsible for raising them well so that they don’t get behind in this society. They must not give their child any disadvantage out of ignorance and negligence. So they MUST learn validated parenting skills.

Validated Parenting Course

Parents need to have proven parenting knowledge and skills to nurture children so that they can live a meaningful and happy life in this world. But they can’t achieve it for free. Nothing is free in this world, no es? Parents need to help children because their success come from their parents.

The Course Covers 4 Themes:

You will be able to learn some essential parenting knowledge and skills on the four main themes; kid’s Behavior, Desarrollo, Motivación, and Principles of Learning, all of which are very essential to their growing up as a competent person.

– Comportamiento de los niños

Kid’s Development

Kid’s Motivation

Principles of Learning

All of these are based on psychology, sociología, and pedagogy, so you can apply what is covered in here to your parenting with confidence. Simplemente pon, you apply them correctly, and then you will get what you want as an outcome for your child. This is what validated knowledge means.

Improve on Your Parenting Skills

People say parenting doesn’t come with a manual, but actually it isn’t true according to a bunch of scholars who conducted a lot of scientific studies and produced many kinds of precious parenting knowledge.

Ojalá, you will learn the basics of parenting skills from this course, so that you can give your child advantages not disadvantages.

Course Image: Freepik

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