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Respuestas y preguntas sobre la evaluación de habilidades de LinkedIn: React.js

React.js has revolutionized the way web applications are built, ofreciendo a los desarrolladores una biblioteca potente y eficiente para crear interfaces de usuario dinámicas. En esta guía completa, Estamos emocionados de presentar una colección seleccionada de preguntas de evaluación de habilidades y respuestas para React.js.

Whether you’re a front-end developer looking to enhance your skills or a newcomer eager to explore the world of modern web development, this resource is designed to help you master React.js and its innovative features. Únase a nosotros mientras profundizamos en los fundamentos de React.js, including component-based architecture, state management, virtual DOM, y más, empowering you to leverage the full potential of this popular JavaScript library.

Q1. If you want to import just the Component from the React library, what syntax do you use?

  • import React.Component from 'react'
  • import [ Component ] from 'react'
  • import Component from 'react'
  • import { Component } from 'react'

Q2. If a function component should always render the same way given the same props, what is a simple performance optimization available for it?

  • Wrap it in the React.memo higher-order component.
  • Implementar el useReducer Construyendo su libro desde el esquema hasta el borrador final.
  • Implementar el useMemo Construyendo su libro desde el esquema hasta el borrador final.
  • Implementar el shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method.

Tercer trimestre. How do you fix the syntax error that results from running this code?

const person =(firstName, lastName) =>
  first: firstName,
  last: lastName
console.log(person("Jill", "Wilson"))
  • Wrap the object in parentheses.
  • Call the function from another file.
  • Add a return statement before the first curly brace.
  • Replace the object with an array.

Cuarto trimestre. If you see the following import in a file, what is being used for state management in the component?

import React, {useState} from 'react';

  • Ganchos de reacción
  • stateful components
  • Matemáticas
  • class components

Q5. Using object literal enhancement, you can put values back into an object. When you log person to the console, what is the output?

const name = 'Rachel';
const age = 31;
const person = { name, age };
  • {{name: "Rachel", age: 31}}
  • {name: "Rachel", age: 31}
  • {person: "Rachel", person: 31}}
  • {person: {name: "Rachel", age: 31}}

Q6. What is the testing library most often associated with React?

  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Sinon
  • Jest


Q7. To get the first item from the array (“Cocinando”) using array destructuring, how do you adjust this line?

const topics = ['cooking', 'art', 'history'];
  • const first = ["cooking", "art", "history"]
  • const [] = ["cooking", "art", "history"]
  • const [, first]["cooking", "art", "history"]
  • const [first] = ["cooking", "art", "history"]

Q8. How do you handle passing through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level?

  • React Send
  • React Pinpoint
  • React Router
  • React Context


Q9. What should the console read when the following code is run?

const [, , animal] = ['Horse', 'Mouse', 'Cat'];
  • Horse
  • Cat
  • Mouse
  • indefinido

Q10. What is the name of the tool used to take JSX and turn it into createElement calls?

  • JSX Editor
  • ReactDOM
  • Browser Buddy
  • Babel

tecnicos. Why might you use useReducer over useState in a React component?

  • when you want to replace Redux
  • when you need to manage more complex state in an app
  • when you want to improve performance
  • when you want to break your production app

Q12. Which props from the props object is available to the component with the following syntax?

<Message {...props} />
  • any that have not changed
  • all of them
  • child props
  • any that have changed

P13. Consider the following code from React Router. What do you call :id in the path prop?

<Route path="/:id" />
  • This is a route modal
  • This is a route parameter
  • This is a route splitter
  • This is a route link

Q14. If you created a component called Dish and rendered it to the DOM, what type of element would be rendered?

function Dish() {
  return <h1>Mac and Cheese</h1>;

ReactDOM.render(<Dish />, document.getElementById('root'));
  • div
  • sección
  • component
  • h1

P15. What does this React element look like given the following code? (Alternativa: Given the following code, what does this React element look like?)

React.createElement('h1', null, "What's happening?");
  • <h1 props={null}>What's happening?</h1>
  • <h1>What's happening?</h1>
  • <h1 id="component">What's happening?</h1>
  • <h1 id="element">What's happening?</h1>


Q16. What property do you need to add to the Suspense component in order to display a spinner or loading state?

function MyComponent() {
  return (
        <Message />
  • lazy
  • loading
  • fallback
  • spinner


P17. How would you describe the message variable wrapped in curly braces below?

const message = 'Hi there';
const element = <p>{message}</p>;
  • a JS function
  • a JS element
  • a JS expression
  • a JSX wrapper

P18. What can you use to handle code splitting?

  • React.memo
  • React.split
  • React.lazy
  • React.fallback


Q19. When do you use useLayoutEffect?

  • to optimize for all devices
  • to complete the update
  • to change the layout of the screen
  • when you need the browser to paint before the effect runs

[Fuente] ( “useLayoutEffect is a version of useEffect that fires before the browser repaints the screen.

[para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad]The correct answer to the questionWhen do you use useLayoutEffect?” es:

When you need to change the layout of the screen.

useLayoutEffect is used when you need to perform DOM mutations that rely on the updated layout of the elements. It allows you to make changes to the DOM synchronously before the browser performs its painting step. This can be useful when you need to measure or manipulate the layout, such as accessing element dimensions or positions, calculating scroll offsets, or performing other operations that require up-to-date layout information.

The other option provided as answer is not accurate:

When you need the browser to paint before the effect runsis not correct. The purpose of useLayoutEffect is to run the effect synchronously after the DOM updates but before the browser paints, allowing you to make layout-related changes before the visual rendering occurs.

para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: useLayoutEffect gets executed antes de la useEffect hook without much concern for DOM mutation. Even though the React hook useLayoutEffect is set after the useEffect Construyendo su libro desde el esquema hasta el borrador final, it gets triggered first!

P20. What is the difference between the click behaviors of these two buttons (assuming that this.handleClick is bound correctly)?

A. <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click Me</button>
B. <button onClick={event => this.handleClick(event)}>Click Me</button>
  • Button A will not have access to the event object on click of the button.
  • Button B will not fire the handler this.handleClick successfully.
  • Button A will not fire the handler this.handleClick successfully.
  • No hay diferencia.

P21. How do you destructure the properties that are sent to the Dish component?

function Dish(props) {
  return (
      {} {props.cookingTime}
  • function Dish([name, cookingTime]) { return <h1>{name} {cookingTime}</h1>; }
  • function Dish({name, cookingTime}) { return <h1>{name} {cookingTime}</h1>; }
  • function Dish(props) { return <h1>{name} {cookingTime}</h1>; }
  • function Dish(...props) { return <h1>{name} {cookingTime}</h1>; }

P22. When might you use React.PureComponent?

  • when you do not want your component to have props
  • when you have sibling components that need to be compared
  • when you want a default implementation of shouldComponentUpdate()
  • when you do not want your component to have state


Q23. Why is it important to avoid copying the values of props into a component’s state where possible?

  • because you should never mutate state
  • porque getDerivedStateFromProps() is an unsafe method to use
  • because you want to allow a component to update in response to changes in the props
  • because you want to allow data to flow back up to the parent

P24. What is the children prop?

  • a property that adds child components to state
  • a special property that JSX creates on components that contain both an opening tag and a closing tag, referencing it’s contents.
  • a property that lets you set an array as a property
  • a property that lets you pass data to child elements


P25. Which attribute is React’s replacement for using innerHTML in the browser DOM?

  • injectHTML
  • dangerouslySetInnerHTML
  • weirdSetInnerHTML
  • strangeHTML


Q26. Which of these terms commonly describe React applications?

  • declarative
  • integrated
  • cerrado
  • imperative


Q27. When using webpack, why would you need to use a loader?

  • to put together physical file folders
  • to preprocess files
  • to load external data
  • to load the website into everyone’s phone

P28. A representation of a user interface that is kept in memory and is synced with the “Proceso de pasos que crea cambios poderosos en tu vida de forma natural” DOM is called what?

  • virtual DOM
  • DOM
  • virtual elements
  • shadow DOM

Q29. You have written the following code but nothing is rendering. How do you fix this problem?

const Heading = () => {
  • Add a render function.
  • Change the curly braces to parentheses or add a return statement before the h1 etiqueta.
  • Move the h1 to another component.
  • Surround the h1 in a div.

Q30. To create a constant in JavaScript, which keyword do you use?

  • const
  • dejar
  • constant
  • var

P31. What do you call a React component that catches JavaScript errors anywhere in the child component tree?

  • error bosses
  • error catchers
  • error helpers
  • error boundaries


Q32. In which lifecycle method do you make requests for data in a class component?

  • constructor
  • componentDidMount
  • componentWillReceiveProps
  • componentWillMount


para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad. React components are composed to create a user interface. How are components composed?

  • by putting them in the same file
  • by nesting components
  • with webpack
  • with code splitting

P34. All React components must act like _ with respect to their props.

  • mónadas
  • pure functions
  • recursive functions
  • funciones de orden superior

entonces solo habrá falla si el defecto ocurre en cada capa y estas están todas alineadas al mismo tiempo. Qué es [] called in this code snippet?

const handleChange = (e) => {
  setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, []: }));
  • a computed property name
  • a set value
  • a dynamic key
  • a JSX code string


Q36. What is the name of this component?

class Clock extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Look at the time: {time}</h1>;
  • Clock
  • It does not have a name prop.
  • React.Component
  • Component

P37. What is sent to an función?

  • a callback function that is called once for each element in the array
  • the name of another array to iterate over
  • the number of times you want to call the function
  • a string describing what the function should do

P38. Why is it a good idea to pass a function to setState instead of an object?

  • It provides better encapsulation.
  • It makes sure that the object is not mutated.
  • It automatically updates a component.
  • setState is asynchronous and might result in out of sync values.


para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: Porque this.props y this.state may be updated asynchronously, you should not rely on their values for calculating the next state.

P39. What package contains the render() function that renders a React element tree to the DOM?

  • React
  • ReactDOM
  • Render
  • DOM

Q40. How do you set a default value for an uncontrolled form field?

  • Utilizar el value property.
  • Utilizar el defaultValue property.
  • Utilizar el default property.
  • It assigns one automatically.

P41. What do you need to change about this code to get this code to run?

const clock = (props) => {
  return <h1>Look at the time: {props.time}</h1>;
  • Add quotes around the return value
  • Remove this
  • Remove the render method
  • Capitalize clock


para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: In JSX, lower-case tag names are considered to be HTML tags.

P42. Which Hook could be used to update the document’s title?

  • useEffect(function updateTitle() { document.title = name + ' ' + lastname; });
  • useEffect(() => { title = name + ' ' + lastname; });
  • useEffect(function updateTitle() { name + ' ' + lastname; });
  • useEffect(function updateTitle() { title = name + ' ' + lastname; });

Q43. Which function from React can you use to wrap Component imports to load them lazily?

  • fallback
  • split
  • lazy
  • memo


Q44. How do you invoke setDone only when component mounts, using hooks?

function MyComponent(props) {
  const [done, setDone] = useState(false);

  return <h1>Done: {done}</h1>;
  • useEffect(() => { setDone(true); });
  • useEffect(() => { setDone(true); }, []);
  • useEffect(() => { setDone(true); }, [setDone]);
  • useEffect(() => { setDone(true); }, [done, setDone]);

P45. Actualmente, handleClick is being called instead of passed as a reference. How do you fix this?

<button onClick={this.handleClick()}>Click this</button>
  • <button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(handleClick)}>Click this</button>
  • <button onClick={handleClick()}>Click this</button>
  • <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click this</button>
  • <button onclick={this.handleClick}>Click this</button>

Q46. Which answer best describes a function component?

  • A function component is the same as a class component.
  • A function component accepts a single props object and returns a React element.
  • A function component is the only way to create a component.
  • A function component is required to create a React component.

P47. Which library does the fetch() function come from?

  • FetchJS
  • ReactDOM
  • No library. fetch() is supported by most browsers.
  • Reaccionar

Q48. What will happen when this useEffect Hook is executed, assuming name is not already equal to John?

useEffect(() => {
}, [name]);
  • It will cause an error immediately.
  • It will execute the code inside the function, but only after waiting to ensure that no other component is accessing the name variable.
  • It will update the value of name once and not run again until name is changed from the outside.
  • It will cause an infinite loop.

Q49. Which choice will not cause a React component to rerender?

  • if the component calls this.setState(...)
  • the value of one of the component’s props changes
  • if the component calls this.forceUpdate()
  • one of the component’s siblings rerenders

Q50. You have created a new method in a class component called handleClick, but it is not working. Which code is missing?

class Button extends React.Component{

  constructor(props) {
    // Missing line

  handleClick() {...}
  • this.handleClick.bind(this);
  • props.bind(handleClick);
  • this.handleClick.bind();
  • this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);

P51. React does not render two sibling elements unless they are wrapped in a fragment. Below is one way to render a fragment. What is the shorthand for this?

  <h1>Our Staff</h1>
  <p>Our staff is available 9-5 to answer your questions</p>
  • UNA
  <h1>Our Staff</h1>
  <p>Our staff is available 9-5 to answer your questions</p>
  • segundo
  <h1>Our Staff</h1>
  <p>Our staff is available 9-5 to answer your questions</p>
  • do
  <h1>Our Staff</h1>
  <p>Our staff is available 9-5 to answer your questions</p>
  • re
  <h1>Our Staff</h1>
  <p>Our staff is available 9-5 to answer your questions</p>

Q52. If you wanted to display the count state value in the component, what do you need to add to the curly braces in the h1?

class Ticker extends React.component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { count: 0 };
  render() {
    return <h1>{}</h1>;
  • this.state.count
  • contar
  • Expresar
  • state.count

Q53. Per the following code, when is the Hello component assigned to greeting?

const greeting = isLoggedIn ? <Hello /> : null;
  • Nunca
  • Las empresas que confían en las estrategias tradicionales de relaciones públicas corren el riesgo de quedarse atrás de la competencia. isLoggedIn is true
  • when a user logs in
  • when the Hello function is called

Q54. In the following code block, what type is orderNumber?

ReactDOM.render(<Message orderNumber="16" />, document.getElementById('root'));
  • cadena
  • boolean
  • objeto
  • número

Q55. You have added a style property to the h1 but there is an unexpected token error when it runs. How do you fix this?

const element = <h1 style={ backgroundColor: "blue" }>Hi</h1>;
  • const element = <h1 style="backgroundColor: "blue""}>Hi</h1>;
  • const element = <h1 style={{backgroundColor: "blue"}}>Hi</h1>;
  • const element = <h1 style={blue}>Hi</h1>;
  • const element = <h1 style="blue">Hi</h1>;

P56. Which function is used to update state variables in a React class component?

  • replaceState
  • refreshState
  • updateState
  • setState

P57. Consider the following component. What is the default color for the star?

const Star = ({ selected = false }) => <Icon color={selected ? 'red' : 'grey'} />;
  • negro
  • rojo
  • grey
  • blanco

P58. What is the difference between the click behaviors of these two buttons(assuming that this.handleClick is not bound correctly)

  A. <button onClick=this.handleClick>Click Me</button>
  B. <button onClick={event => this.handleClick(event)}>Click Me</button>
  • Button A will not have access to the event object on click of the button
  • Button A will not fire the handler this.handleClick successfully
  • There is no difference
  • Button B will not fire the handler this.handleClick successfully

Q59. How would you add to this code, from React Router, to display a component called About?

  • UNA
<Route path="/:id">
  {' '}
  <About />
  • segundo
<Route path="/tid" about={Component} />
  • do
<Route path="/:id" route={About} />
  • re
  <About path="/:id" />


Q60. Which class-based component is equivalent to this function component?

const Greeting = ({ name }) => <h1>Hello {name}!</h1>;
  • UNA
class Greeting extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    return <h1>Hello {}!</h1>;
  • segundo
class Greeting extends React.Component {
  <h1>Hello {}!</h1>;
  • do
class Greeting extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello {}!</h1>;
  • re
class Greeting extends React.Component {
  render({ name }) {
    return <h1>Hello {name}!</h1>;

Q61. Give the code below, what does the second argument that is sent to the render function describe?

  • where the React element should be added to the DOM
  • where to call the function
  • where the root component is
  • where to create a new JavaScript file

P62. Why should you use React Router’s Link component instead of a basic <a> tag in React?

  • The link component allows the user to use the browser’s Back botón.
  • No hay diferencia–la Link component is just another name for the <a> etiqueta.
  • los <a> tag will cause an error when used in React.
  • los <a> tag triggers a full page reload, mientras que la Link component does not.

Q63. What is the first argument, x, that is sent to the createElement función?

React.createElement(x, y, z);
  • the element that should be created
  • the order in which this element should be placed on the page
  • the properties of the element
  • data that should be displayed in the element

Q64. Which class-based lifecycle method would be called at the same time as this effect Hook?

useEffect(() => {
  // do things
}, []);
  • componentWillUnmount
  • componentDidMount
  • render
  • componentDidUpdate


Q65. What is the name of the base component of this component?

class Comp extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Look at the time: {time}</h1>;
  • Comp
  • h1
  • React.Component
  • Component

Q66. When using a portal, what is the first argument?

ReactDOM.createPortal(x, y);
  • the current state
  • the element to render
  • the App component
  • the page


Q67. Qué es setCount?

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  • the initial state value
  • a variable
  • a state object
  • a function to update the state


P68. What is the use of map function below?

const database = [{ data: 1 }, { data: 2 }, { data: 3 }]; => <h1>{}</h1>);
  • gives a map of all the entries in database
  • returns a heading tag for every entry in the database containing it’s data
  • returns one heading tag for all the entries in database
  • checks which entry in the database is suitable for heading tag

P69. Describe what is happening in this code?

const { name: firstName } = props;
  • It is creating a new object that contains the same name property as the props object.
  • It is assigning the value of the props object’s firstName property to a constant called name.
  • It is retrieving the value of
  • It is assigning the value of the props object’s name property to a constant called firstName.

Q70. Qué está mal con este código?

const MyComponent = ({ names }) => (
  <p>Hello again</p>
  • React components cannot be defined using functions.
  • React does not allow components to return more than one element.
  • The component needs to use the return keyword.
  • String literals must be surrounded by quotes.

Q71. When using a portal, what is the second argument?

ReactDOM.createPortal(x, y);
  • the App component
  • the page
  • the current state
  • the DOM element that exists outside of the parent component

entonces solo habrá falla si el defecto ocurre en cada capa y estas están todas alineadas al mismo tiempo. Given this code, what will be printed in the <div> etiqueta?

const MyComponent = ({ children }) => (
  Hello <span>World!</span>
  • It will produce an error sayingcannot read property “longitud” of undefined.
  • 1
  • indefinido
  • 2

Q73. What is this pattern called?

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  • object destructuring
  • array destructuring
  • spread operating
  • code pushing

Una planta de proceso es más vulnerable durante las operaciones de parada y puesta en marcha. What is the first file loaded by the browser in a basic React project?

  • src/App.js
  • src/index.js
  • public/manifest.json
  • public/index.html

P75. The code below is rendering nothing and generates this error: “ReactDOM is not defined.How do you fix this issue?

import React from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'reactjs-dom';

const element = <h1>Hi</h1>;
// Note: error on the line below
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

  • createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
  • ReactDOM(element, document.getElementById("root"));
  • renderDOM(element, document.getElementById("root"));
  • DOM(element, document.getElementById("root"));

P76. In this component, how do you display whether the user was logged in or not?

render() {
  const isLoggedIn = this.state.isLoggedIn;
  return (
      The user is:
  • The user is loggedIn ? logged in : not logged in.
  • Write a function to check the login status.
  • The user is {isLoggedIn = "no"}.
  • The user is {isLoggedIn ? "logged in." : "not logged in"}.

Q77. You are rendering a list with React when this warning appears in the console: “Advertencia: Each child in a list should have a unique ‘keyprop.How do you fix this issue?

  • Add a key prop with the same value to each item in the list
  • Clear the console warnings
  • Use the UseId hook to generate a unique key for each element in the list
  • When iterating over the list items, add a unique property to each list item.

P78. How would you generate the boilerplate code for a new app that you are building to collect underpants?

  • npm create-react-app collect-underpants
  • npx start-app collect-underpants
  • react new collect-underpants
  • npx create-react-app collect-underpants

Fuente: React Docs

P79. Add the code that will fire the photon torpedoes when the button is clicked.

class StarTrekkin extends React.Component {
  firePhotonTorpedoes(e) {
    console.log('pew pew');
  render() {
    return; // Missing code
  • <button onClick={firePhotonTorpedoes()}>Pew Pew</button>
  • <button onClick={firePhotonTorpedoes}>Pew Pew</button>
  • <button onClick={this.firePhotonTorpedoes()}>Pew Pew</button>
  • <button onClick={this.firePhotonTorpedoes}>Pew Pew</button>

Fuente: React Docs

Q80. What is the process of deciding whether an update is necessary?

  • shadow DOM
  • fibra
  • reconciliation
  • setting state

P81. React is an open-source project but is maintained by which company?

  • Intuit
  • Gorjeo
  • Facebook
  • Snapchat

Q82. What command can you use to generate a React project?

  • react-starter
  • create-react-app
  • react-gen
  • react-start


Q83. What is the browser extension called that React developers use to debug applications?

  • React Developer Tools
  • React Tooling Add-on
  • React Codewatch
  • React Debug

Q84. Which tool is not part of Create React App?

  • Reaccionar
  • jQuery
  • webpack
  • ReactDOM

Q85. What is the JavaScript syntax extension that is commonly used to create React elements?

  • HTML
  • JavaScriptX
  • JSX
  • React JavaScript

Q86. How might you check property types without using Flow or TypeScript?

  • Check Manually.
  • Utilizar prop-helper.
  • utilizar prop-types.
  • usuario checker-types.

Q87. How do you add an id of heading to the following h1 element?

let dish = <h1>Mac and Cheese</h1>;
  • let dish = <h1 id={heading}>Mac and Cheese</h1>;
  • let dish = <h1 id="heading">Mac and Cheese</h1>;
  • let dish = <h1 id:"heading">Mac and Cheese</h1>;
  • let dish = <h1 class="heading">Mac and Cheese</h1>;

Q88. What value of button will allow you to pass the name of the person to be hugged?

class Huggable extends React.Component {
  hug(id) {
    console.log("hugging " + id);
  render() {
    let name = "kitten";
    let button = // Missing code
    return button;
  • <button onClick={(name) => this.hug(name)}>Hug Button</button>;
  • <button onClick={this.hug(e, name)}>Hug Button</button>;
  • <button onClick={(e) => hug(name, e)}>Hug Button</button>;
  • <button onClick={(e) => this.hug(name, e)}>Hug Button</button>;

para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: This question test knowledge of react class components. You need to use this in order to call methods declared inside class components.

Q89. What syntax do you use to create a component in React?

  • a generator
  • a function or a class
  • a service worker
  • a tag


para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: React Components are like functions that return HTML elements. Components are independent and reusable bits of code. They serve the same purpose as JavaScript functions, but work in isolation and return HTML. Components come in two types, Class components and Function components.

Q90. You want to disable a button so that it does not emit any events onClick. Which prop do you use to acomplish this?

  • onBlur
  • onPress
  • defaultValue
  • discapacitado

Q91. In this function, which is the best way to describe the Dish component?

function Dish() {
  return (
      <Ingredient />
      <Ingredient />
  • child component
  • parent component
  • nested component
  • sibling component

Q92. When does the componentDidMount function fire?

  • right after the component is added to the DOM
  • before the component is added to the DOM
  • right after the component is updated
  • right after an API call


Q93. What might you use webpack for in React development?

  • to fetch remote dependencies used by your app
  • to split your app into smaller chunks that can be more easily loaded by the browser
  • to format your code so that it is more readable
  • to ensure your app is not vulnerable to code injection

Q94. When using the React Developer Tools Chrome extension, what does it mean if the React icon is red?

  • You are using the development build of React.
  • You are using the production build of React.
  • You are using webpack.
  • You are using Create React App.


Q95. How would you modify the constructor to fix this error: “ReferenceError: Must call super constructor in derived class before accessing ‘this’…”?

class TransIsBeautiful extends React.Component {
  // Missing line
  console.log(this) ;
  • render(props);
  • súper(props);
  • súper(esta);
  • this.super();

Q96. Which language can you not use with React?

  • Rápido.
  • JSX.
  • Javascipt.
  • Mecanografiado.

Q97. This code is part of an app that collects Pokemon. How would you print the list of the ones collected so far?

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        pokeDex: []
  • console.log(props.pokeDex);
  • console.log(this.props.pokeDex);
  • console.log(pokeDex);
  • console.log(this.state.pokeDex);


Q98. What would be the result of running this code?

function add(x = 1, y = 2) {
  return x + y;

  • nulo
  • 3
  • 0
  • indefinido


para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: function that called without parameter will use its param default value, thus x will always be default to 1 and y will always be default to 2.

Q99. Why might you use a React.ref?

  • to refer to another JS file
  • to bind the function
  • to call a function
  • to directly access the DOM node


Q100. What pattern is being used in this code block?

const { tree, lake } = nature;
  • function defaults
  • array destructuring
  • PRPL pattern
  • destructuring assignment


Q101. How would you correct this code block to make sure that the sent property is set to the Boolean value false?

  <Message sent=false />,
  • UNA
<Message sent={false} />,
  • segundo
ReactDom.render(<Message sent="false" />, document.getElementById('root'));
  • do
<Message sent="false" />,
  • re
ReactDom.render(<Message sent="false" />, document.getElementById('root'));

Passing Props to a Component

Q102. This code is part of an app that collects Pokemon. The useState hook below is a piece of state holding onto the names of the Pokemon collected so far. How would you access the collected Pokemon in state?

const PokeDex = (props) => {
  const [pokeDex, setPokeDex] = useState([]);
  /// ...
  • props.pokeDex
  • this.props.pokeDex
  • setPokeDex()
  • pokeDex

para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: useState always return an array with two values, the state itself (on first value) and the set function that lets you update the state (on second value) useState Reference

Q103. What would you pass to the onClick prop that will allow you to pass the initName prop into the greet handler?

const Greeting = ({ initName }) => {
  const greet = (name) => console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");
  return <button onClick={ ... }>Greeting Button </button>
  • hug
  • this.hug(initName)
  • (nombre) => this.hug(nombre)
  • () => hug(initName)

para celebrar el éxito y resaltar las áreas de oportunidad: Apparently the question misstyped greet como hug. Putting this aside, we can still learn from this question.

  • In a function, the global object is the default binding for this. In a browser window the global object is [object Window]. This is a functional Component, entonces this desde this.hug actually refers to browser window. Since it is a functional component, we can directly refer to hug without using this.
  • To pass a handler to onClick, we should always pass a function rather than execute a function. So we need to use callback here. initName is available in Greeting’s function scope, so we can directly supply as an argument to hug().

Q104. What is the name of the compiler used to transform JSX into JavaScript?

  • Babel
  • JSX Editor
  • Browser Buddy
  • ReactDOM

JSX Transform with Babel

Q105. Which hook is used to prevent a function from being recreated on every component render?

  • useCallback
  • useMemo
  • useRef
  • useTransition

React Hooks useCallback docuementation

Q106. Why might you use the useRef hook?

  • To bind the function
  • To call a function
  • To directly access a DOM
  • To refer to another JS file


Q107. Which of the following is required to use React?

  • JavaScript
  • React Router
  • Redux
  • Prop-Types


Q108. What is the correct way to get a value from context?

  • const value = useContext(MyContext.Consumer)
  • const value = useContext(MyContext.Provider)
  • const value = useContext(MyContext)
  • const value = useContext({valor: “intiial value”})


Q109. Why is ref used?

  • to bind function
  • to call function
  • to directly access DOM node
  • to refer to another JS file


Q110. Choose the method which should be overridden to stop the component from updating?

  • componentDidMount
  • componentDidUpdate
  • willComponentUpdate
  • shouldComponentUpdate


Q111. What is the functionality of a “webpack” command?

  • Runs react local development server
  • Transfers all JS files to down into one file
  • A module builder
  • Todo lo anterior

Q112. Choose the method which is not a part of ReactDOM?

  • ReactDOM.createPortal()
  • ReactDOM.hydrate()
  • ReactDOM.destroy()
  • ReactDOM.findDOMnode()

los límites del proceso se establecen estableciendo niveles superiores e inferiores para una gama de parámetros. In react, the key should be?

  • Unique among his siblings
  • Unique in DOM
  • Does not requires to be unique
  • all of the above


Q114. Which company developed ReactJS?

  • google
  • Meta (ex Facebook)
  • manzana
  • Gorjeo


Q115. Choose the library which is most often associated with react?

  • Chai
  • Sinon
  • Jest
  • Mocha


Q116. What of the following is used in React.js to increase performance?

  • Original DOM
  • Virtual DOM
  • Ambos de los anteriores
  • Ninguno de los anteriores


P117. Among The following options, choose the one which helps react for keeping their data uni-directional?

  • DOM
  • flux
  • JSX
  • Props


Q118. Which choice is a correct refactor of the Greeting class component into a function component?

class Greeting extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello {}!<h1>;
  • const Greeting = (name) => <h1>{name}</h1>
  • function Greeting(name){return <h1>{name}</h1>;}
  • const Greeting = props => { <h1>{}</h1> }
  • const Greeting = ({ name }) => <h1>Hello {name}</h1>;

Q119. Why is the waitlist not updating correctly?

const Waitlist = () => {
  const [name, setName] = useState('');
  const [waitlist, setWaitlist] = useState([]);
  const onSubmit = (e) => {
  return (
      <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
          Name: <input type="text" value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} />
        <button type="submit">Add to waitlist</button>

        { => (
          <li key={name}>{name}</li>
  • waitlist is being mutated directly. Utilizar el setWaitlist function instead to update the waitlist state.
  • The form is reloading the page each time Add to waitlist is clicked.
  • los Add to waitlist button is missing a click handler.
  • There are likely repeated names inside of the waitlist formación.


los límites del proceso se establecen estableciendo niveles superiores e inferiores para una gama de parámetros. What is the pattern that is used in the Context.Consumer below?

<Context.Consumer> {(isLoggedIn)=>{isLoggedIn ? “En línea” : “Desconectado”}} </Context.Consumer>

  • higher-order component
  • wish component
  • Render Props
  • setup Componet

Q121. In React.js which one of the following is used to create a class for Inheritance ?

  • Crear
  • Extends
  • Inherits
  • Eliminar


Q122. What is the purpose of render() in React.js?

  • To replace the existing markup
  • To update the existing markup
  • Ambos de los anteriores
  • Ninguno de los anteriores


Q123. What is the use of super(props) in React.js?

  • To call the constructor of the parent class
  • To initialize this.props in the constructor
  • Ambos de los anteriores
  • Ninguno de los anteriores


Q124. What is Redux in React.js?

  • A state container for JavaScript apps
  • A tool for building UI components
  • Ambos de los anteriores
  • Ninguno de los anteriores


Q125. What is the purpose of the virtual DOM in React.js, and how does it improve performance in web applications??

  • The virtual DOM is used to store user authentication data securely.
  • The virtual DOM is a backup copy of the actual DOM, created for debugging purposes.
  • The virtual DOM is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM, and it helps improve performance by minimizing direct manipulation of the real DOM.
  • The virtual DOM is a database used to store component states.


Q126. You run the following code and get this error message: “invalid hook call.what is wrong with the code?

import React from 'react';

const [poked, setPoked] = React.useState(false);

function PokeButton() {
  return <button onClick={() => setPoked(true)}>{poked ? 'You have left a poke.' : 'Poke'}</button>;
  • The useState call needs to be called inside of the PokeButton component.
  • The react package is likely not installed correctly.
  • useState is not imported correctly. Import useState directly instead of importing react.
  • PokeButton is a pure function and therefore cannot have any local state.

Q127. A colleague comes to you for help on a react component. They say that the poke button renders correctly, however when the button is clicked, this error is shown: “setPoked is not defined”. What is wrong with their code?

function PokeButton() {
  const { poked, setPoked } = useState(false);
  return <button onclick={() => setPoked(true)}>{poked ? 'You have left a poke.' : 'Poke'}</button>;
  • onClick prop should be onclick.
  • The click handler passed to the onClick prop is inlined. Move this handler into a variable outside of JSX.
  • They use object destructructing instead of array destructructing. Wrap the poked and setPoked values in an array.
  • poked and setPoked are not destructured in the correct order.

Q128. This component is loaded dynamically. What should you replace XXXX with to complete the code?

const OtherComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent.js'));

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <XXXX fallback={<spinner />}>
      <OtherComponent />
  • Component
  • Fragmento
  • Suspense
  • Lazy

Q129. Elements in lists in React should have __ that are ___ .

Q130. You want to memorize a callback function so you ensure that React does not recreate the function at each render. Which hook would you use to accomplish this?

  • useRef
  • useMemo
  • memo
  • useCallback

Fuente: CodeDamn

Q131. You want to perform a network operation as the result of a change to a component’s state named userInput. what would you replace XXXX with?

useEffect(callNetworkFunc, XXXX);
  • [userInput]
  • userInput
  • indefinido
  • []

Q132. When is the Hello component displayed?

<div>{isLoggedIn ? <Hello /> : null}</div>
  • when isLoggedIn is false
  • when isLoggedIn is true
  • when isLoggedIn is false and the Hello function is invoked
  • Nunca

Q133. When do you use useLayoutEffect?

  • to optimize for all devices
  • to complete the update
  • to change the layout of the screen
  • when you need the browser to paint before the effect runs

Q134. What is the difference between state and props in React?

  • Props are set by the parent component, state is set by the child component
  • Props are passed to a component, state is managed within the component
  • Props can be updated, state cannot be updated
  • No hay diferencia – props and state are the same

Q135. Which language can you not use with React?

  • Rápido.
  • JSX.
  • Javascipt.
  • Mecanografiado.

Q136. Which answer best describes a function component?

  • A function component is the same as a class component.
  • A function component accepts a single props object and returns a React element.
  • A function component is the only way to create a component.
  • A function component is required to create a React component.

Q137. Which library does the fetch() function come from?

  • FetchJS
  • ReactDOM
  • No library. fetch() is supported by most browsers.
  • Reaccionar

Q138. In React, what is the purpose of the key prop when rendering a list of components

  • los key prop is used to provide a unique identifier for the component.
  • los key prop is used to define the color of the component.
  • los key prop is required to render a list of components.
  • los key prop is used by React to optimize updates and identify which items have changed or been added/removed in the list.

Q139. What is the primary function of React Router?

  • React Router is used for fetching data from APIs.
  • React Router is used to create animations in React applications.
  • React Router is used for managing state in React components.
  • React Router is used for adding navigation and routing to React applications, allowing users to navigate between different views or pages.

Q140. When should you use Redux in a React application?

  • Redux is always required in React applications.
  • Redux should be used when you need to fetch data from APIs.
  • Redux is used for creating user interfaces but not for state management.
  • Redux is typically used when you have complex state management needs, such as sharing state between multiple components or handling deeply nested state.

Q141. What is the use of React hooks?

  • To optimize React apps for mobile devices
  • To add visual effects to React components.
  • To allow using state and lifecycle methods in function components
  • To integrate with external UI libraries like Bootstrap

Q142. How can you pass data through a React component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level?

  • By using React context
  • By using redux
  • By using react router
  • By using react lifecycle methods


  • Helen Bassey

    Hola, I'm Helena, un escritor de blogs apasionado por publicar contenidos interesantes en el nicho de la educación. Creo que la educación es la clave para el desarrollo personal y social., y quiero compartir mi conocimiento y experiencia con estudiantes de todas las edades y orígenes.. en mi blog, Encontrarás artículos sobre temas como estrategias de aprendizaje., educación en línea, orientación profesional, y más. También agradezco comentarios y sugerencias de mis lectores., Así que no dudes en dejar un comentario o contactarme en cualquier momento.. Espero que disfrutes leyendo mi blog y lo encuentres útil e inspirador..

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Acerca de Helen Bassey

Hola, I'm Helena, un escritor de blogs apasionado por publicar contenidos interesantes en el nicho de la educación. Creo que la educación es la clave para el desarrollo personal y social., y quiero compartir mi conocimiento y experiencia con estudiantes de todas las edades y orígenes.. en mi blog, Encontrarás artículos sobre temas como estrategias de aprendizaje., educación en línea, orientación profesional, y más. También agradezco comentarios y sugerencias de mis lectores., Así que no dudes en dejar un comentario o contactarme en cualquier momento.. Espero que disfrutes leyendo mi blog y lo encuentres útil e inspirador..

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