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PDU CPE – Guide to renew your certifications smartly !

PDU CPEGuide to renew your certifications smartly !

Precio: $94.99

Actualizar 2018/12/25: New session about ISACA Webinars and how get free CPEs

Congratulation you are certified (PYMES – ISC2 – El gerente de seguridad de la información certificado – COMPTIA) !

But you are certified for a limited time !

From now you have to collect PDUs (Professional Development Units), CPEs (Educación Profesional Continua) o CEUs (Continuing Education Units).

After have passed more than 15 certifications in less than 2 años, I have renewed my certifcations quickly, efficiently and at the best price.

Por ejemplo:

  • CompTIASecurity+: 3 meses (50 CEU)

  • PYMES – PMP: 6 meses (60 PDU)

  • ISC2 – CISSP : 1 año (120 CPEs)

Through different chapters, we will review together:

  • Certification renewal

    Requirements Types

    Review of certifications requirements

  • My strategy

How to renew your certifications the most efficiently

  • My certification story

Follow the good stream

  • PYMES – Professional Development Units (PDU)

General information about PDU

What is a R.E.P.

How I get your PDUs efficiently

How to report your PDUs

  • CompTIAContinuing Education Units (CEU)

How I get your CEUs efficiently

  • ISC²/ISACA – Educación Profesional Continua (CPE)

CPE Credits and Record Keeping

How I get your CPEs efficiently

. Professional Magazine

. Professional Association Chapter Meeting

. Industry Conference

. Online webinars, podcasts and other online material for new certification

. Education Courses and Seminars (Group B)

. Online webinars, podcasts and other online materials

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