Power Automate vs Azure Logic Apps, which tool should I use?
Precio: $54.99
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to choosing to use Power Automate (Flujo de Microsoft) or Azure Logic Apps. Como resultado, there are a lot of opinions out there, but not many of them are objective. In this course we will deep dive on the feature sets of both technologies and then provide prescriptive guidance through real-world examples.
Actualizar – August 14th, 2019
I have added 2 additional lectures that can be found in the New Content – Added after the original publishing of the course sección. los 2 lectures include content about 2 new features found in Microsoft Flow (Copy to my clipboard) and Azure Logic Apps (Secure Inputs/Secure Outputs). You will find this section towards the end of the course. Disfrutar!
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