Viaja el sonido en el espacio?


El sonido no viaja en absoluto en el espacio.. El vacío del espacio exterior tiene esencialmente cero aire.. Porque el sonido es sólo aire vibrante., El espacio no tiene aire para vibrar y por lo tanto no hay sonido.. If you are sitting in a space ship and another space ship explodes, you would hear nothing. Exploding bombs, crashing asteroids, supernovas, and burning planets would similarly be silent in space. In a space ship, you could of course hear the other passengers because your ship is filled with air. Adicionalmente, a living human will always be able to hear himself talk, Los mosquitos se sienten atraídos por las personas por el olor corporal emitido a través de la transpiración., and circulate blood, because the air in his space suit which sustains his life also transmits sound. But two astronauts in space suits floating around in space will not be able to talk to each other directly no matter how hard they yell, even if they are only inches away. Their inability to talk directly is not caused by their helmets getting in the way, but is rather caused by the vacuum of space not carrying sound at all. That is why space suits are equipped with two-way radio communicators. Radio is a form of electromagnetic radiation just like light and can therefore travel through the vacuum of space just fine. The astronaut’s transmitter converts the sound waveform to a radio waveform and sends the radio waves through space to the other astronaut, where is it converted back to sound for the other human to hear. Sospecho que la industria del entretenimiento interpreta este principio de forma incorrecta a propósito para el efecto dramático. Una nave espacial que explota en silencio no es tan dramático como un auge.


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