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The Journey of Self Discovery – You Can Learn Who You Are

The Journey of Self DiscoveryYou Can Learn Who You Are

Precio: $59.99

Have you ever wondered who you really are? What your life purpose is? What are you really meant to do on this Earth, in this lifetime?

Do you feel that there is more to you and what you can offer?

If you are still searching for these answers, then you have come to the right place. The journey of self-discovery requires a lot of groundwork and can be daunting at times, as it involves revisiting a lot of your past experiences, choices and emotions.

Por lo tanto, this course including the download material will guide you through all the intricate details you require in your journey to unravel your true self. This includes identifying your personality, awakening your spiritual dimension, learning to love yourself as well as embracing the change that comes.

Let go of your past and focus on what is about to come. Give permission to yourself to go through this journey and allow yourself to be vulnerable. When you open up yourself to all the possibilities this journey will bring, you will realize how rewarding it is at the end.

You will discover the most important element of all: descubrirás YOURSELF.

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