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Accélérer l

Accélérer l'innovation & La créativité, un guide basé sur la recherche !

Prix: $84.99

This Course is a Comprehensive Guide to accelerating La créativité, Creative Thinking and Innovation! Become an Expert ou Master at what you do, et enhance and boost La créativité et Innovation in your team and organization, by learning from the Research and Science !

Sont Creative and Innovative geniuses born with it, or is it something that can be developed later?
Est Intelligence important? Quoi autre facteurs are a good predictor of La créativité, Innovation, Expertise or Success?
Does sheer hard work and practice make a difference?
What does the Recherche in Psychology and Neuroscience say about these things?

We deal with all of this, et plus, in this Course. A unique look at Creativity, Innovation, Expertise, Mastery and Success, de research point of view. It can help you personnellement et professionally!

Learn about the evolutionary perspective. Was there innovation during evolution?
En savoir plus environnements which encourage a free flow of ideas, each connecting and building over each other, which is great for Gestion de l'innovation.

Become well-informed and successful Dirigeants et Gestionnaires, who cultivate creativity and innovation, not just in themselves, but also in their Les équipes et Organisations!

This Course will cover critical insights from Cognitive Psychology for Leadership and Management.

Quelques images et vidéos avec l'aimable autorisation de Pixabay, Pixels, Pressfoto et FreePik. Quelques extraits de musique avec l'aimable autorisation de Bensound.


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