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Créativité appliquée pour les professionnels de la technologie

Créativité appliquée pour les professionnels de la technologie

Prix: $39.99


Unleash your creative self in the face of business challenges and plot growth pathways by ideating, bâtiment, and taking innovations to market.

Applied Creativity is where inspiration meets organization. It is about being able to harness imagination and vision to effectively implement unexpected, innovative ideas . A simple process for identifying, defining and analyzing challenges, and then finding innovative solutions using Deliberate Creative Thinking. Provides some simple but effective tools for exploring problems quickly and effectively as well as a range of techniques that are proven to generate, design and develop solutions that work

Qu'allez-vous apprendre?

  • Bust myths on creativity.

  • Overcome the psychological and behavioral barriers to build personal and team creativity.

  • The seven habits of highly creative individuals

  • The five leadership practices of building an innovation culture.

  • The right incentives, processus, and mindsets to spur creativity.

  • Understand a simple effective process of divergent-convergent thinking to find innovative solutions to business challenges

Principales compétences que vous apprendrez

  • Mind Mapping Techniques

  • Idea Generating Process

  • La pensée créative & Exécution

  • Power of Association

Idéal pour

Anyone who wants to communicate ideas visually & design/deliver compelling customer experiences –

Chefs de produits, Les analystes d'affaires, Chefs d'entreprise, Chefs de projet, Responsables fonctionnels, Fondateurs de startups, Dirigeants, and Influencers.

  • introduction

  • Chapitre 1 – Vocabulary of Creativity

  • Chapitre 2 – Habits of Creative People

  • Chapitre 3 – Creativity in the Product Process

  • Chapitre 4 – La pensée de conception

  • Chapitre 5 – Science of Creativity

  • Chapitre 6 – Landscaping

  • Chapitre 7 – Solution Vegetation/Ideation

  • Chapitre 8 – Best Case Solution

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