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L'intelligence artificielle dans le marketing numérique

Prix: $59.99

Dear Friend,

Being smart in business means knowing what’s just around the corner. It means thinking ahead and preparing for inevitable changes that will impact the way business is conducted.

This is what allows a business to be resilient and to thrive in a changing environment.

Digital marketing is no different.

It’s affecting the way that SEO works, the tools and software we use, and the way that ads are displayed.

The digital marketing singularity is just around the corner.

The Mistake That Some Big

Businesses Make Is To Assume

That They’re Too Big To Fail And

To Coast Along As They Are.

As digital marketers, that means thinking about things that could impact on the face of marketing.

Intelligence artificielle (AI) and machine learning have the potential to completely change the face of internet marketing, rendering many older strategies obsolete even.

And a lot of this stuff isn’t just speculation: it’s happening right now.

C'est là qu'interviennent mes conseils pour vous.

Avec Mes Conseils…

  • You will gain a crystal ball with which to gaze into the future of internet marketing.

  • You’ll be better prepared and in a better position than 99.9% of other marketers.

  • You will examine a large number of different types of AI and machine learning in the context of digital marketing.

  • You will be ensured that your websites manage to hold their position in the SERPs.

  • You will create endless amounts of content in a second.

Pour le rendre facile, j'ai réuni un guide étape par étape qui vous montrera exactement comment c'est fait…


L'intelligence artificielle dans le marketing numérique

How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Digital Marketing – And How
to be Ready

Rien n'est laissé au hasard lorsque vous mettez la main dessus maintenant.

Vous deviendrez un expert complet à ce sujet, et vous aurez tout ce dont vous avez besoin à l'intérieur pour faire de même...

Here’s Just A Quick Preview Of What You’ll

Discover Inside

  • What Is AI And Machine Learning?

  • Google As An AI-First Company

  • Preparing For Semantic Search

  • Big Data

  • Vision par ordinateur

  • Advertising

  • Publicité par e-mail

  • Chatbots

  • Developing Your AI Skills – Using SQL

  • How To Future Proof Your Marketing

Plus, beaucoup plus…

This is the easiest way to actually learn and be ready for Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing!

Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?

Si vous répondez OUI à l'une des questions ci-dessous, tu en as besoin…

  • You want to ensure that your websites manage to hold their position in the SERPs.

  • You want your advertising campaigns to remain profitable, and that your services remain relevant.

  • You want to create endless amounts of content in a second.

  • You want to be ready for the future of the industry.

  • You want to know the different types of AI and machine learning in the context of digital marketing.

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