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Be Super Smart

Be Super Smart

Prix: $79.99

Every individual possesses each of Gardner’s multiple intelligences:

  • musical-rhythmic
  • visual-spatial
  • verbal-linguistic
  • logical-mathematical
  • bodily-kinesthetic
  • interpersonal
  • intrapersonal
  • naturalistic
  • existential

Each of the nine intelligences will be investigated, discussed and correlated with effective means to understand, explore and even develop each one. Additional, specific methodologies will be shared.

Individuals will gain an understanding of themselves as individuals in relation to the multiple intelligences, identifying preferred intelligences and less preferred intelligences. Other topics explored include: introducing IQ, awakening intelligences, strengthening weaker, non-preferred intelligences and using intelligences within learning environments, relationship and even career development.

Objectifs du cours

  • Develop an understanding of the value of multiple in personal, educational and professional arenas.
  • Identify intellectual styles and personalize development strategies.
  • Explore and develop environments and strategies which support each of the multiple intelligences.
  • Create the foundations of understanding to meet one’s individual learning needs.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of oneself.


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