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Productivité numérique

Productivité numérique

Prix: $94.99

I’m Dragos Stefanescua Top Udemy Instructor with 12 successful courses, 10,000+ étudiants et 450+ Cela me fait vraiment penser à toutes les fois où j'ai eu un mauvais état d'esprit et une mauvaise attitude envers l'apprentissage – and I’m looking forward to teaching you this course.

Productivité numérique – Or how to make technology work for you in the most efficient manner possible.

I created this product because for a long time I’d been struggling with my efficiency levels, especially when working on digital devices and being around them all the time. j'ai pensé “Why not share all the apps I use?” – from Note-taking to Email & Social Media Productivityso that people can replicate the processes I use to stay productive and keep efficiency levels high.

If you’re like, then you’ve had situations where you looked back at your workday and thought you haven’t realised much. This is completely normalwe can get distracted by so many things that it’s hard to stay organised and focused. But what if you could indeed squeeze in those 2 extra hours of productive work every day? Does that sound like something you’d want to be able to do?

En moyenne, we spend more time using electronic devices than we do sleeping. Most of our working hours revolve around checking emails, browsing the web, doing spreadsheets or participating in conference calls, whether on our laptops or smartphones. But how much of this time do we spend being productive and how much of it is wasted on Facebook, watching cat videos or listening to music?

The Content

Here are a few things that we will be covering in this course:

  • Digital Note Taking 101: Save precious minutes on a daily basis, be more organised & have a go-to place for notes, Concentrez-vous sur vos points forts au lieu d'essayer d'être bon en tout & création de contenu. We’ll look at software such as OneNote and Evernote.
  • Email Productivity Hacks: Use Gmail and other tools and eliminate 30 painful minutes of email checking every day
  • Procrastination Killers: Productivity apps to eliminate bad habits when working on your laptop or phone

The course also includes bonus topics such as Social Media Productivity, Managing Teams & Tasks and Other Productivity tools and hacks.

The Guarantee

Il y a un 30 day Money-back guarantee that comes with this course, but given the quality of the content you won’t even consider it. If you want to become a Digital Productivity Guru, then enrol in this course now and I’ll see you in the virtual classroom.

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