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Essential Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the Administrator

Essential Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the Administrator

Prix: Libérer

This free course is a gift to the Dynamics 365 L'engagement des clients (Sales and Service) communauté, delivered by Owen Scotta 14-year veteran of the platform. The intention of this course is not only to introduce some of the fundamental elements of administration, including the first steps required to get started deploying Microsoft Dynamics 365, but also to provide some slightly more advanced topics, like integration with Microsoft 365, gestion de données, how and why to use Global Option sets, field relationship mapping, and a module to walk the student through a tiny case study for the software development lifecycle of Requirements, Analyse, Design and Deployment of a simple solution within Dynamics 365.

This course is also intended to provide a community forum by one of the foremost leaders of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 communauté. Owen Scott has delivered Microsoft Dynamics 365 plus de 100 times for small businesses, et plus 30 times for the Enterprise, providing solutions for Aerospace, Fabrication, Healthcare, State and Local Governments, l'enseignement supérieur, K-12, Financial Services, Real Estate, and the Entertainment industries, just to name a few. Interaction with this course will help inform a more comprehensive course offering planned to be released within the next eight months or so. Ideas and interest in topics expressed by the students of this course will influence what we cover, so feel free to communicate with Owen during this course!

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