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Fondements de la criminalistique numérique

Fondements de la criminalistique numérique

Prix: $19.99

Digital forensics, Certificat en fondements de la criminalistique numérique, Certificat en fondements de la criminalistique numérique, analyze and present digital evidence to both business and legal audiences. The course is very useful for the students, avocats, investigating officers who are keen to know and passionate about the concepts of Digital Forensics. There is continuous increase in the demand of digital forensic experts, a flourishing carrier option for those who are interested to explore this challenging profession. Other than career option, it makes you aware about different threats on the internet and how to protect yourself from all these threats. This course presents an overview of the principles and practices of digital Forensics. The objective of this class is to emphasize the fundamentals and importance of digital forensics, and to prepare students to conduct a digital investigation in an organized and systematic way. Forensic computer investigators and digital forensic experts reconstruct and analyze digital information to aid in investigations and solve computer-related crimes. They look into incidents of hacking, trace sources of computer attacks, and recover lost or stolen data. This course will provide theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as current research on Digital Forensics. Students will learn different techniques and procedures that will train them for Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE) examen.

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