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Comment construire un campus d

Comment construire un campus d'église sur Internet

Prix: $24.99

The internet has fundamentally changed the way that the church serves its congregation. Dans de nombreux cas, the number of people that “visit” churches in an online capacity far outnumbers the people that physically “visit” a church location. Par conséquent, many churches have come to the realization that they need to (1) expand the way it serves its congregation and (2) build a fully immersive internet experience for its online visitors.

This course provides a blueprint for building a highly effective and successful internet experience for your church’s digital missionary. No stone is left unturned in this course. If you are looking for a comprehensive, simple and proven plan to serve your church’s online congregation, then look no further, this course has everything that you need. Qu'est-ce que tu attends? Buy this course now! I can’t wait to serve you.

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