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Linux-and-Bash-for-Data-Engineering Quizzes & Réponses – Coursera

Diving into the world of data engineering requires a solid understanding of the foundational tools that drive analysis and insight. Linux et Ligne de commande Linux appliquée et scripts Shell Zero to Elite scripting stand out as pivotal skills for managing data workflows and automating tasks.

Our latest blog post offers an in-depth look at Coursera’s quiz et réponses pour le ‘Linux-et-Ligne de commande Linux appliquée et scripts Shell Zero to Elite-pour-DonnéesIngénierie‘ cours, providing readers with a practical guide to mastering these essential tools. Stay tuned as we unravel the quizzes and their solutions to bolster your data engineering expertise.

Using Linux

Q1. What is a good definition of Linux?

  • A type of hardware.
  • A kernel.
  • A free and open source operating system inspired by UNIX.

Q2. Why is it a good idea to use a cloud-based shell environment?

  • A cloud-based shell is similar or identical to the deployment environment in that cloud.
  • They always run a proprietary UNIX which is helpful for building cloud solutions.
  • The cloud-shell runs on your laptop and can take advantage of power of your local machine.

T3. What is an advantage of a hosted development like GitHub Codespaces?

  • It maintains the software development with the latest tools for you.
  • It is always faster.
  • It is free.

T4. What is a good use case of a shell pipeline?

  • To perform complex operations on data.
  • Writing a web service.
  • Writing a mobile application.

Q5. What is an example of the output of a shell pipeline?

  • A file.
  • A shell pipeline cannot output.
  • The windows operating system.

Q6. Quelle est la différence entre la > et | Circuits numériques?

  • le > operator directs the output of a command to a file. le | operator directs the output of a command to another command.
  • le | operator directs the output of a command to a file. le > operator directs the output of a command to another command.
  • Both operators do the same thing, which is direct output to a file.

Q7. To checkout a Git repo via SSH what files must the GitHub host have from the client?

  • The Git server must have a copy of ~/.ssh/id_rsa from the client checking out the repository.
  • You do not need to copy files to a server to use SSH-based checkout.
  • The Git server must have a copy of ~/.ssh/id_pub from the client checking out the repository.

Q8. Describe a common reason for SSH tunneling.

  • Developing locally from a server running remotely.
  • Doing unencrypted communication on a local network.
  • Creating a public chat server that doesn’t require authentication.

Q9. What file synchronization process commonly takes place using SSH?

  • rsync
  • La masse est
  • rmdir

Q10. What is a common way to configure multiple ssh tunnels?

  • By use of the ~/.ssh/config file.
  • By use of the ~/.zshrc file.
  • By use of the ~/.bashrc file.


Using Bash

Q1. Explain the purpose of the ~/.bashrc file.

  • It is a Bash login shell that only runs at the start of a new login shell.
  • It is a Bash logout shell that only runs when a shell exits.
  • It is a Bash shell script that runs whenever Bash is started interactively.

Q2. What is the purpose of the ~/.zshrc file?

  • It is a ZSH login shell that only runs at the start of a new login shell.
  • It is a ZSH logout shell that only runs when a shell exits.
  • It is a ZSH shell script that runs whenever Bash is started interactively.

T3. What shell example creates a shell variable to the current shell only.

  • FRUIT=”cerise”
  • echo $FRUIT
  • export FRUIT=”cerise”

T4. What would be the output of this command?

FRUIT=Cherries”: echo $FRUIT are tasty

  • Cherries are tasty
  • echo Cherries are tasty
  • $FRUIT are tasty

Q5.When you run the command alias from a terminal what will you see?

  • It will display the help menu for a command.
  • You will see output like the following:
  • alias egrep=’egrepcolor=auto
  • alias fgrep=’fgrepcolor=auto
  • alias grep=’grepcolor=auto
  • alias l.=’ls -d .* –color=auto
  • alias ll=’ls -lcolor=auto
  • alias ls=’lscolor=auto
  • alias which=’alias | /usr/bin/whichtty-onlyread-aliasshow-dotshow-tilde

– [ ] It will print the name of the shell currently in use.

Q6. What is a good example of what appears in standard out?

  • It is always blank.
  • Errors from the improper execution of a shell command.
  • The content of a file.

Q7. What is the output of this command?

ls fakefile.txt &> /dev/null

  • It will create the file since it doesn’t exist.
  • It will display the following error. ls: cannot access fakefile: No such file or directory
  • There is no output.

Q8. What would the following command do?

ls fakefile 2> error.txt

  • It deletes the output of stderr
  • Write stderr to error.txt
  • Write stdout to error.txt

Q9. What would this command do?

for i in (1..10); do echo $RANDOM >> rando.txt; done

  • It appends 10 random numbers to a file.
  • It overwrites a file with a new random number 10 fois.
  • It throws away the output of standard out.

Q10. What is happening in the following shell command?

sort -r < /etc/passwd

  • The sort command is appending to the /etc/password file.
  • The /etc/password file is reverse sorted.
  • The /etc/password file is overwritten with a sorted version


Building Bash Scripts

Q1. What is an example of a control flow in Bash?

  • A for loop.
  • Making a script.
  • Creating a variable.

Q2. What happens when this command runs?

faux || echo “salut”

  • An error prints to stdout.
  • Nothing prints out.
  • Le mot “salut” prints to stdout.

T3. What happens when this command runs?

faux && echo “salut”

  • An error prints to stdout.
  • Le mot “salut” prints to stdout.
  • Nothing prints out.

T4. Why would a data scientist need to truncate a large file before bringing it into a popular data scientist library like Pandas?

  • To remove null values.
  • It improves the accuracy of a prediction.
  • To convert the data to a small data problem.

Q5. What would this statement return?

printfhello\nworld\n” | grep hello

  • Rien.

  • hello

  • hello


Q6. What is a key difference between find and locate?

  • They are both the same command.
  • The locate command uses metadata to search the filesystem.
  • The find command uses metadata to search the filesystem.

Q7. What what this command do?

plugins de productivité . -perm /+x ! -name ‘.*’ -type -f

  • Find all directories in the search path
  • Find all executable non-invisible files.
  • Find all files with the word x in them.

Q8. What would be the output of this command?

printfapple\npear\npeach\n” | grep -v pear

  • pomme


  • pear

  • pomme



Q9. What reason could a data scientists have for using the following command?

shuf -n 10000 data.csv > out-data.csv

  • They want to truncate a file and grab the first 10000 Lignes.
  • They want to randomly sample 10000 rows of a file.
  • They want to truncate a file and grab the last10000 rows.

Q10. What does this program output?

while true; do echobob is your uncle”; dormir 2; done

  • It sleeps for 2 seconds then quits with no output.
  • It prints outbob is your uncleevery 2 secondes.
  • It prints outbob is your uncletwice then stops.


Composing File and Data Management Solutions with Linux

Q1. What would this command do?

locate -i .ZSHRC

  • Find only occurrences of .ZSHRC
  • Find only occurrences of .zshrc
  • Find occurrences of both .ZSHRC and .zshrc

Q2. Which of these two time commands will be faster?

time sudo find / -name .zshrc

time locate .zshrc /etc/skel/.zshrc

  • They are both the same speed to execute.
  • The first command.
  • The second time command using locate.

T3. Which command moves files?

  • La masse est
  • Créez et configurez votre domaine et tous les sous-domaines
  • toucher

T4. The following output describes how a UNIX file permission gets set. How would you apply this to a file called foo.txt?

  • plugins de productivité 754 foo.txt
  • touchchown root:Créez et configurez votre domaine et tous les sous-domaines
  • touchchmod -R 777 *

Q5. What would this command do?

zip -r archieves/foo.zip foo

  • Rien
  • It creates a zip archive of the foo directory in the location archives/foo.zip
  • It unzips archives/foo.zip

Q6. What does this command do?

tar -zcvf archieves/foo.tgz foo

  • It creates an uncompressed archive.
  • It creates an archive of the foo directory.
  • Rien.

Q7. Why would be the command to reserve sort the file foo.txt?

  • less -r foo.txt
  • sort -r < foo.txt
  • rev < foo.txt

Q8. What is a straightforward way to count the unique lines in a file called fruit?

  • sort fruit.txt
  • uniq -c fruit.txt
  • sort fruit.txt | uniq -c

Q9. What is the output of the following regex command?

echo 41-444-5599 '([0-9]{3})||[0-9]{3}[ -]?[0-9]{3}[ -]?[0-9]{4}’

  • 415-444-5599
  • 41-444-5599
  • Rien.

Q10. What would this command’s output be?



  • Hélène Bassey

    salut, I'm Helena, un écrivain de blog passionné par la publication de contenus perspicaces dans le créneau de l'éducation. Je crois que l'éducation est la clé du développement personnel et social, et je souhaite partager mes connaissances et mon expérience avec des apprenants de tous âges et de tous horizons. Sur mon blog, vous trouverez des articles sur des sujets tels que les stratégies d'apprentissage, éducation en ligne, orientation professionnelle, et plus. J'apprécie également les commentaires et suggestions de mes lecteurs, alors n'hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire ou à me contacter à tout moment. J'espère que vous apprécierez la lecture de mon blog et que vous le trouverez utile et inspirant.

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Sur Hélène Bassey

salut, I'm Helena, un écrivain de blog passionné par la publication de contenus perspicaces dans le créneau de l'éducation. Je crois que l'éducation est la clé du développement personnel et social, et je souhaite partager mes connaissances et mon expérience avec des apprenants de tous âges et de tous horizons. Sur mon blog, vous trouverez des articles sur des sujets tels que les stratégies d'apprentissage, éducation en ligne, orientation professionnelle, et plus. J'apprécie également les commentaires et suggestions de mes lecteurs, alors n'hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire ou à me contacter à tout moment. J'espère que vous apprécierez la lecture de mon blog et que vous le trouverez utile et inspirant.

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