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MD100: Microsoft Windows 10

MD100: Microsoft Windows 10

Prix: $89.99

Microsoft Modern Desktop – les fenêtres 10 MD-100

Microsoft Windows is one of the most popular operating systems in the world, running on millions of computers worldwide. Our Microsoft training courses target specific skill sets and areas of expertise among Windows users, administrators and developers, providing vital technical knowledge and opening up new career paths in IT and beyond.

The skills and objectives in this course cover the Microsoft Windows 10 (MD-100) certification, and will help you prepare for Microsoft 365 Agréé: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate workload.

This course is intended to help participants acquire the skills and expertise required to take and pass the first of two Microsoft exams relevant to Microsoft 365 Agréé: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate Certification. This is one of the most common certifications on the current IT pro qualification list which requires the following exams :- MD-100: Windows 10-MD-101: Gestion des postes de travail modernes.

This course dives into the skills needed to deploy Windows 10; manage devices and data; configure connectivity; and maintain Windows 10 as part of a Microsoft 365 Cours de développeur robotique ROS2.

Dive in and start learning the premium concept that will get you up and running quickly along the path to acing your MD-100 exams and to become a Professional Windows desktop Administrator.

Dive in and start learning the premium concept that will get you up and running quickly along the path to acing your MD-100 exams and to become a Professional Windows desktop Administrator.

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