Microsoft certification for SQL Server 70-462
Prix: $19.99
Welcome to the Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bases de données 70-462 Practice Test course. In this practice test course there are 160 hand picked exam style questions in total which will help you test your knowledge on the exam and help you get prepared for the final exam environment.
Ce que vous obtenez de ce cours:
Clear and error free questions with reference link.
160 UNIQUE practice questions for Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bases de données 70-462 Examen de pratique.
Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.
100% verified answers and explanations.
After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% à l'examen principal.
Détails de l'examen officiel :
Certification Exam Name : Administration de Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Code d'examen : 70-462
Nombre de questions: 160
Langue de l'examen: Anglais
Type de questions : Multiple choice/ Multiple Selection
Time Allowed to complete the exam:240 minutes
Note de passage : 70
After you finish the practice exams,
Identify your weak areas and work harder on them.
This course will test your knowledge about the Microsoft 70-462 examen
You will have an idea how does the questions will be in the exam.
The more practice is equal to more you are confident for the exam.
Les questions du test pratique sont basées sur Microsoft 70-462 programme d'examen et couvre les sujets suivants:
Install and configure (20-25%)
Maintain instances and databases (15-20%)
Optimize and troubleshoot (15-20%)
Manage data (20-25%)
Mettre en œuvre la sécurité (15-20%)
Mettre en œuvre la haute disponibilité (5-10%)
Je vous souhaite le meilleur!!
who the course is for:
Anyone wanting to test their knowledge before taking the official Microsoft 70-462 examen
Anyone who want to pass 70-462 certification
Those who are willing to level up their skills in Microsoft 70-462 examen
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