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Le cours complet sur les principes fondamentaux de la gestion des produits

Le cours complet sur les principes fondamentaux de la gestion des produits

Prix: $94.99

Le cours complet sur les principes fondamentaux de la gestion des produits + CERTIFICATION is a comprehensive Product Management Training that has been designed to help you master the most important concepts, tools and techniques in Product Management.

Whether you’re preparing for a Product Management interview, getting ready to launch your career in Product Management or exploring the fascinating world of Product Management this course has been designed from the ground up with a focus on quality, solid fundamentals & the most important aspects any Product Manager needs to consider.

We will unpack key Product Management concepts, you’ll see real world examples of Product Management in action & you’ll hear directly from successful Product Managers. But we’ll go beyond that into tools that Product Managers use in their role as well as the tips & tricks that characterize successful Product Managers.

My name is Mauricio and I’m a Product Manager, but like a good Product Manager I’m used to wearing many hats. I manage my own Products now reaching over half a million customers worldwide. I also coach and mentor other Product Managers, regularly answer Product Management questions on Quora and have helped many companies successfully launch their own products.

Mais le plus important, Product Management is part of my daily life where I lead Agile teams to regularly launch new product features, new product lines and even new products and services. So I understand what it takes to excel in the job and I will teach you everything I know about it. No catch and I’m not going to hold back. Au contraire, I will openly share with you what has worked for me and what hasn’t and will even walk you through some of my own products.

If there is one thing you should know about me, is that I’m here to help you and I will do everything in my power to ensure you become an outstanding Product Manager. Ce cours, is only the beginning. By the time you complete it, I will share with you free additional educational resources to continue strengthening your Product Management skills.


Why you’re here

  • You understand that being a Product Manager puts you in a position of HUGE POTENTIAL

  • You understand that Product Managers have massive salaries & would like to get into this amazing role

  • You want to explore more about Product Management

  • You’re curious about Product Management

  • You’ve heard about Product Management but you don’t really know what it is or what it entails

  • Somebody recommended this course to you

  • A colleague at the office said this is a must take course for you

  • You want to ace your next Product Management Interview

  • You want to step with confidence into a new Product Management role

  • You want to learn from others who have walked the path & can share valuable insights and information

  • You want to leverage on the templates, Ressources, vast expertise and experience from a seasoned Product Manager

  • You’re a Creator but need Product Management training to ensure you’re products are successful in the market

  • You’re about to step into the role of a Product Manager but don’t know exactly what to expect or how you’ll handle it

  • You want to transition from your current role into Product Management

What will I learn in this course?

  • What you need to know to become a Product Manager

  • Product Management Essentials & Fondamentaux

  • Agile Essentials and Fundamentals

  • How to use key tools Product Managers use regularly

  • Product Management lingo

  • Product Management Skills

  • Product Management Tools

  • How to kick-start your career in Product Management

  • How to succeed as a Product Manager

  • Key Product Management Concepts

  • Product Roadmapping

  • Experimentation

  • Métrique & Analytique

  • Étude de marché

  • Gestion des parties prenantes

  • Job Market & Opportunities


Pourquoi suivre ce cours et pas un autre?

  • It’s a Complete Course. So it’s comprehensive and deep dives into key Product Management Tools and Concepts.

  • Over half a million customers worldwide trust our products and services, in this course you’ll learn why.

  • It was developed by a seasoned and highly successful Product Manager -feel free to refer to my bio and track record

  • You will increase your chances of getting the job

  • It includes a ton of resources, templates and freebies

  • It was created by the founder of The Product & Project Management Knowledge Base -thePMKB

  • It was created by the author of The Mini Book of Agile and founder of AgileKB

  • We’ll talk about what works, but also what doesn’t & I’ll provide specific examples of both scenarios for your own analysis


Ce cours est spécifiquement pour:

  • Débutants

  • Aspiring Product Managers

  • People interested in Product Management

  • Anyone looking to get a job in Product Management

  • Anyone wanting to transition into Product Management

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Professionals

This course is NOT suitable for:

  • Intermediate to advanced students

  • Experienced Product Managers

  • People that prefer quantity over quality.

  • People that like lengthy and theoretical explanations.

  • People who aren’t prepared to go through the entire course and take notes.

  • People who expect things to work out without any effort or preparation.


Why get into Product Management

  • Because you’re passionate about creating products, solving problems and helping users

  • Because it’s a highly fulfilling job and no two days are alike

  • Because you’re naturally passionate about building products

  • Because you have a natural ability for solving problems

  • You want to influence the strategic direction of a product

  • You enjoy working with people from all areas of the business


Engagement envers tous les étudiants (les deux actuels & futurs étudiants)

  1. Les étudiants d'abord. Je ne compromettrai jamais votre expérience pour gagner de l'argent. Jamais, déjà. Oui, c'est aussi une entreprise, mais pour moi, l'enseignement va bien au-delà de gagner de l'argent. J'ai déjà un emploi à temps plein et heureusement, je ne compte pas sur l'enseignement pour survivre. Vous êtes toujours à la pointe de mes cours et je veux m'assurer que vous avez une expérience unique, expérience précieuse et mémorable. je promets.

  2. 24Assistance x7x365. Tu peux me contacter 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine, toute l'année, même les jours fériés, Noël et Nouvel An; je vous reviens rapidement (dans quelques heures maximum) et fournir une qualité de service exceptionnelle dans mon soutien. je promets.

  3. Humilité, gentillesse et responsabilité sociale. Je crois qu'il faut redonner à toi et au monde. Alors pense à moi comme ton propre humain dans la vraie vie “Siri.” Si vous avez besoin de conseils ou d'assistance, demandez simplement. Et si je peux faire quelque chose pour t'aider dans ton voyage, je vais. je promets.

  4. Fabriqué en Australie. Reconnu dans l'industrie comme un symbole de qualité et d'excellence. Tous mes cours sont fabriqués en Australie avec une haute technologie et édités par des professionnels. Ils incluent aussi ma sauce secrète: beaucoup de passion & l'amour! J'applique également dans mes cours tout ce que j'ai appris au cours des années d'expérience de travail avec la technologie, projets, entrepreneurs et personnes du monde entier. je promets.

  5. La qualité plutôt que la quantité. Je m'efforcerai de rendre les cours concis, au point et pertinent. Le temps est l'un de nos atouts les plus précieux et nous devons l'investir avec soin. Je ne ferai donc pas un cours long dans le but d'afficher qu'il a plus d'heures; uniquement lorsque cela est strictement nécessaire. Pour moi, c'est une question de qualité et si je peux livrer cela en 5 minutes et vous faire gagner du temps, je vais. je promets.

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