अभी पंजीकरण करें

लॉग इन करें

पासवर्ड खो गया

आपका पासवर्ड खो गया है? कृपया अपना पूरा ईमेल दर्ज करें. आपको एक लिंक प्राप्त होगा और आप ईमेल के माध्यम से एक नया पासवर्ड बनाएंगे.

पोस्ट जोड़ें

पोस्ट जोड़ने के लिए आपको लॉगिन करना होगा .

प्रश्न जोड़ें

प्रश्न पूछने के लिए आपको लॉगिन करना होगा.

लॉग इन करें

अभी पंजीकरण करें

स्कॉलरसार्क.कॉम में आपका स्वागत है! आपका पंजीकरण आपको इस प्लेटफॉर्म की अधिक सुविधाओं का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देगा. आप सवाल पूछ सकते हैं, योगदान दें या उत्तर दें, अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं के प्रोफ़ाइल देखें और बहुत कुछ. अभी पंजीकरण करें!

The Secrets of Career Advocates, Mentors and Sponsors

The Secrets of Career Advocates, Mentors and Sponsors

कीमत: $29.99

Do you want to build your career or your business? No one makes it to the top alone. Savvy employees and entrepreneurs use advocacy, mentoring and sponsoring to help them reach their goals.

Do you know the differences between each of these 3 critical relationships?

Do you know what to ask a mentor, how to be a powerful advocate, or how to find a sponsor?

Most people know something, but they don’t know the truth. इस कोर्स में, we share that truth with you.

How can you use advocates to become known? What’s the difference between a mentor and a sponsor? What are the secrets to finding the right mentor? How can you catch a sponsor’s attention?

में 5 self-paced videos two successful women, one entrepreneur and one corporate executive, bust the myths. We share our real-life experiences and give you facts, so you can make these relationships work for you.

You will learn how to be an effective advocate, and how to encourage other people to advocate for you. You’ll learn what a mentor is really for, how to find one who can make a difference in your career, and how to learn the most from your mentor. And you’ll learn the biggest secret in the gamehow to find a sponsor who will want to give your career or your business a big boost.

It’s not just theory, या. We’ll help you build an action plan that puts your new knowledge to work.

If you want to take your career or business to the next step, you need this course. अब दाखिला ले!

के बारे में अर्कडमिन

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