50 Business Productivity And Personal Productivity Skills
Prezzo: $79.99
Ottenere 50 produttività and self-improvement courses in 1 with this course that gives you:
Gives you productivity fundamentals
Eliminating interruptions
Getting your psychology optimized to maximize productivity strategies
Boosting your efficiency
Mobile apps and software tools to boost your focus and productivity
Organizing your work environment
Gestione del tempo
Teach you mindfulness
Use mindfulness techniques to determine what the right things for you are to work on
Realizing your life purpose to direct your work in the most optimal direction
Use the pursuit of your life purpose to get you as motivated as possible and boost your long-term intrinsic motivation
This is a one-of-a-kind productivity course that will change the way you work and optimize your time to be much more efficient and productive. This course is so inclusive that it can easily be many different individual courses. But here, you get all the strategies and tips in one full and amazing course.
Iscriviti a questo corso, and become a productivity machine!
You will learn how to be productive in:
Your daily work
Your weekly scheduling
And most importantly, you will learn to choose the right projects to work on in order to take your life in its best and most optimal direction
con Letsencrypt Nginx PHP MySQL, I go over some productivity apps which might ask you for your email address, and some productivity products which are not free. I DO NOT collect any revenue or your emails for myself. I do not benefit from promoting those productivity products/apps. The only reason I recommend them in the course is that I think they will help you achieve the goals of the course.
Sono stato un imprenditore per 15+ anni, hanno allenato 1,000+ imprenditori in persona, ha insegnato 100,000+ studenti, ha colpito milioni di imprenditori in tutto il mondo creando 6 e imprese a 7 cifre nel processo, e mi piacerebbe aiutarti.
* Un sacco di omaggi extra, fogli di lavoro scaricabili, ed esercizi per rendere il corso più interattivo e prezioso
* Free 15-minute coaching call to discuss your productivity
* Invito personale alla mia community di Facebook dopo aver completato il corso
* Entra per essere scelto per il mio stato di studente del mese e avere la tua attività in primo piano
What really sets this productivity course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. Durante l'orario di ufficio puoi farmi qualsiasi domanda commerciale tu voglia, e farò del mio meglio per aiutarti. Gli orari d'ufficio sono gratuiti, Non provo a vendere nulla. È solo un'altra cosa che faccio per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi.
Puoi anche ottenere il mio aiuto e i miei consigli in qualsiasi momento! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. rispondo 99% di domande all'interno 24 ore. I love helping students with productivity and I look forward to helping you.
This productivity course comes with an unconditional, Sostenuto da Udemy, 30-giorno soddisfatti o rimborsati. Questa non è solo una garanzia, it’s my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you boost your productivity just like I’ve done for thousands of my other students.
Investi nel tuo futuro. Enroll now and become a productivity star.
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