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Quiz di ascolto accademico e per prendere appunti & Risposte – Coursera

Improve your academic skills with comprehensive quizzes on academic listening and note-taking and expert answers. Scopri le tecniche essenziali per ascoltare in modo efficace e registrare le informazioni chiave nelle lezioni e nelle discussioni accademiche. These quizzes will serve as a valuable tool to help you improve your listening comprehension and note-taking skills, which are crucial for accademico successo.

Whether you are a student looking to sharpen your accademico skills or an individual looking to improve your learning strategies, this collection provides valuable information on mastering the skills of academic listening and note-taking. Join us on a journey that will enrich your learning as we explore strategies and tips that can improve your academic performance through attentive ascoltando and effective note-taking.

Note-Taking Practice Quiz

Which of the following are good practices for taking lecture notes? Scegliere tutte le opzioni pertinenti.

  • Compare notes with classmates to make sure they are accurate.
  • Make sure you understand any assignments, and ask the teacher if you don’t understand.
  • Write down what the teacher writes on the board or highlights in a Powerpoint.
  • Se l'inglese non è la tua prima lingua, translate the lecture into your own language.
  • Pay attention to language, visivo, and verbal cues that help you identify key points.

Which of the following are good practices for taking lecture notes? Scegliere tutte le opzioni pertinenti.

  • Write down what the teacher writes on the board or highlights in a Powerpoint.
  • Review the notes from the previous lecture while you wait for class to begin.
  • Write as fast as you can even if it is too messy to read later.
  • Se l'inglese non è la tua prima lingua, translate the lecture into your own language.
  • Compare notes with classmates to make sure they are accurate.

Cornell Note-Taking Practice Quiz

Which of the following should you write in the space on the left when taking Cornell notes? Check all that apply.

  • details about the lecture
  • study questions
  • key vocabulary

When should you fill in the section at the bottom of the page when using a Cornell Notes template?

  • before the lecture
  • after the lecture
  • during the lecture

Which of the following are good practices for taking notes during the lecture when using the Cornell Notes method? Check all that apply.

  • close your eyes while listening
  • don’t write things that are easy to understand
  • indent the supporting details under each main point
  • use lots of space on the page

Listening and Note-Taking Practice Quiz

What does the speaker think would make the audience relax as he begins his talk?

  • Greeting the audience warmly and by saying “hello”
  • Telling the audience how he was going to present his ideas
  • Telling the audience that he was going to make it easy for them

What does the speaker want to show about a person with ADD when he shows this drawing?

  • They need to take medication.
  • They are very sensitive to everything that is around them.
  • They can focus very well, as if looking through a tunnel.

As the speaker hugged people in his costume, he learned something amazing: “that all of us want to be loved.” How did he emphasize this point? (Choose two answers.)

  • Saying “I learned something amazing”
  • Saying this sentence in a louder voice
  • Pausing for for 3 seconds before he shared what he realized.

In what order did the speaker list groups of people that understand how important it is to make an emotional connection with people?

  • Non-profits, political institutions, imprese
  • Imprese, non-profits, political institutions
  • Political institutions, imprese, non-profits

True or False?

The speaker thinks social media is generally being used in a positive way.

  • Vero
  • falso

What point was the speaker illustrating when he mentioned the topic of faith?

  • That the stories are what people connect to and attact them to the faith
  • That religion and faith rely on rules to keep people wrapped up and together
  • That more people need to engage in a faith

Prendere appunti 1 Graded Quiz

You should have already listened to the Note-Taking Practice 1 conferenza. Use your notes to answer the questions.

  • What is the topic of the lecture?
  • Listening to lectures is difficult
  • Characteristics of a lecture that makes comprehension difficult
  • Understanding academic lectures
  • Things that make lectures difficult to understand

True or false?

The topic of the lecture is characteristics of a learner that make comprehension of a lecture difficult.

  • Vero
  • falso

Why did the speaker mention “the Freshman 15”?

  • To give a specific example of what lecture complexity is
  • To give a specific example of how the speaker delivers the lecture
  • To teach students important cultural information in the United States
  • To let students know it is normal to gain weight the first year of university

Based on the lecture, what statement would the speaker probably agree with?

  • The characteristics of a lecture are more important than the characteristics of a learner when understanding a lecture.
  • The most influential characteristic of a learner in how difficult a lecture is depends on the listening and note-taking strategies that a student uses.
  • Although it seems difficult or impossible to improve listening skills, it can be done if you are disciplined and focuses.

Which of the following in NOT an example of how a speaker “delivers” a lecture?

  • How loudly the speaker speaks
  • How well the lecture is organized
  • How clearly the speaker pronounces individual sounds
  • The stress the speaker puts on individual words as well as in sentences

Which of these is mentioned as a strategy for effective listening in class?

  • Having a rest after class.
  • Reviewing notes after class.

The speaker gave the following example: “reviewing the lecture notes after class.” What idea does this example support?

  • Lecture characteristics that affect the difficulty of understanding a lecture
  • What to do after the lecture
  • Strategies to help understand lectures

Settimana 02: : Academic Listening and Note-Taking Coursera Quiz Answers

Listening Strategies Practice Quiz

Let’s see how effective the notes that you took in the Listening Strategies lecture are. See if they can help you answer the following questions. Altrimenti, listen to that lecture again.

  • What is the topic of the lecture?
  • ways to make listening to a lecture easier
  • how to listen carefully
  • what to do during a lecture

How many main things were mentioned that listeners need to do DURING the lecture?

  • 6
  • 10
  • 2

It is important to emphasize key vocabulary and information in your notes. Which of the following ways of emphasizing information were mentioned in the lecture?

  • Circling the information
  • Underlining it
  • Highlighting it
  • Tutti i precedenti

Language Cues Practice Quiz

True or false?

Language cues show you how to pronounce a word.

  • Vero
  • falso

What kind of information do language cues signal? Scegliere tutte le opzioni pertinenti.

  • the speaker’s opinion
  • the meaning of the lecture
  • change of topic
  • an explanation of a word or concept
  • important information
  • the answers to test questions

Which of the following are examples of language cues? Scegliere tutte le opzioni pertinenti.

  • Let’s move on to…
  • The weather is nice…
  • The library is…
  • Most importantly…

Listening and Note-Taking Practice Quiz

In the introduction, the speaker describes how he was as a child:

“If they told me I shouldn’t have done something, ho pensato, ‘Who says? Come mai?’ and they got me in trouble, just about all the time and I had a special preference for dismantling things and never putting them back together.”

How does this comment relate to the main idea of his talk?

  • We need to show people who are in charge of us when they are not correct, as the student did in the speaker’s office.
  • Children should be encouraged to take things around the house apart and to let them explore their curiosity.
  • The speaker’s personality of questioning the way things are helps him to be the researching professor he is today.

In what order were the following people mentioned in the talk?

(note: This kind of question checks how well your notes are organized.)

  • Channa Horowitz, the student who came into his office, Copernicus, June Wayne
  • the student who came in his office, June Wayne, Channa Horowitz, Copernicus
  • June Wayne, Channa Horowitz, the student who came in his office, Copernicus
  • Copernicus, Channa Horowitz, June Wayne, the student who came in his office

Which statement do you think the speaker would probably NON agree with?

  • You can learn a lot from other people.
  • You have to be willing to fail a number of times if you want to succeed.
  • Following exactly what your parents tell you to do is the best way to become a scientist.
  • People need to be more curious and ask more questions.

What does the speaker mean?

  • Accomplishment means doing important things that people notice.
  • The speaker will feel successful if someone puts a tile on a wall with his name on it.
  • The speaker feel accomplished if some else cleans up the dust for him.
  • The speaker will feel successful if his research about bubbles helps someone else to do something great, even if he is not remembered.

Check Your Understanding Practice Quiz

Where is one good place mentioned in the lecture to write down “housekeeping” items from the beginning of a lecture?

  • in a calendar
  • in your notes
  • on your hand

True or false?

You should write down the hook of the lecture on the first page of your notes.

  • Vero
  • falso

What kind of important information is often given in the introduction of a lecture? Scegliere tutte le opzioni pertinenti.

  • the organization of the lecture
  • the topic of the lecture
  • what time class will end

Listening to Introductions Practice Quiz

Why does Dr. Ferguson think it is important for everyone to learn about Earth System Science?

  • Because she loves it so much
  • Because the world needs to be more educated
  • Because many of the world’s problems are related to Earth System Science
  • Because population growth and environmental issues are popular topics

If you have a question about the lecture that you didn’t understand, where is it best to meet the professor?

  • at her office hours
  • at her home
  • at the informal coffee hour

Which kind of information from the introduction does this clip mostly contain?

  • housekeeping
  • topic and organization
  • hook

The professor thinks it is a good idea to take notes on your computer.

  • Vero
  • falso

True or false?

Drawing pictures and putting them where you can see them often is one way of studying the lecture information.

  • Vero
  • falso

What will be the organization of the lecture?

  • chronological
  • from place to place
  • from least important points to most important points

Which kind of information from the introduction does the clip mostly contain?

  • Housekeeping
  • Topic and organization
  • gancio

Prendere appunti 2 Graded Quiz

After listening to the Note-Taking Practice 2 conferenza, use your notes to answer the following questions.

According to the lecture, what are “learning styles”?

  • Learning styles is the most popular way people learn.
  • Kinesthetic is the most important learning style.
  • Learning styles are the different ways that people learn best.

True or false?

The kinesthetic learning style is very familiar to people.

  • Vero
  • falso

Based on the speaker’s explanation of how learners learn, which of the following would NOT be a good example of how kinesthetic learners learn best?

  • Listening to your classmates summarize the lesson in a study group
  • Writing a spelling word in a notebook 10 volte
  • Acting out a chapter of a history book

Out of the following characteristics of kinesthetic learners, which did the speaker mention first?

  • Can sit still
  • Learns best by doing
  • Good sense of physical timing
  • Very coordinated

The speaker mentioned “swiping” as an example for what idea?

  • Study tools you can manipulate
  • Games and apps
  • Traditional ways of learning
  • Taking notes and working through problems

Which of the following occupations do you think would NON be best for a kinesthetic learner?

  • Secretary
  • Actor or actress
  • Cuoco
  • Jewelry maker

Which statement do you think the speaker would probably agree with?

  • It is important for you to know how you learn best.
  • The teacher is responsible for assigning homework that uses all learning styles.
  • The ways that kinesthetic learners learn are not usually helpful to auditory and visual learners.

Language Cues Graded Quiz

What phrase did the professor use to give the topic of the class?

  • “In this class you will learn . . .”
  • “This class is about . . . .”
  • “Today’s class is about . . . “
  • “We are going to discuss . . . “

When will speciale relativity be discussed in the course?

  • after the applications of General Relativity (GR)
  • before the foundations of General Relativity (GR)
  • alla fine del corso
  • in the beginning of the course

Which of the following topics will be presented Terzo in the class?

  • applications of General Relativity
  • the foundations of General Relativity
  • development of the general principle
  • special relativity

What language cue was used to state that the aim of the class was to focus on fundamental issues and not practical applications of the theory?

  • nevertheless
  • but not
  • tuttavia
  • rather not

“Nevertheless” shows contrast; it shows something that is the opposite of what is being discussed. Why did the professor use the language cue “nevertheless” in the phrase “nevertheless there are some very important aspects of it like black holes . . . “ ?

  • “Nevertheless” contrasts what is understood and what is not understood about black holes.
  • It contrasts what General Relativity tells us about black holes and what it doesn’t tell us about black holes.
  • Black holes are an application of the General Relativity theory and the phrase preceding “nevertheless” states that there will not be much time to discuss possible applications.

What language cue informs us that Einstein did not immediately get together with Marcel Grossman?

  • right after
  • fino a
  • infine

Settimana 03: Academic Listening and Note-Taking Coursera Quiz Answers

Prendere appunti 3 Graded Quiz Answers

Q1. After listening to the Note-Taking Practice 3 conferenza, use your notes to answer the following questions.

What of the following topics does Dave NON lecture on?

  • Academic writing
  • SAT (undergraduate entrance exam)
  • University application process
  • Culture shock

True or false?

Q2. The purpose of the Research Paragraph is to give specific examples of how the student and the university are a good match.

  • Vero
  • falso

Q3. What is the purpose of the Research Paragraph?

  • To show how the student and the university are good for each other
  • To give examples of how perfect the student is
  • To demonstrate strong research skills in the Statement of Purpose

True or false?

Q4. The Mission Statement is explains how the university, scuola, and program will meet their goals in the next 5 anni.

  • Vero
  • falso

Q5. In what order did the speaker mention the following topics?

  • Curriculum, Facoltà, La scuola accetta spesso studenti internazionali e si impegnerà ad aiutarli ad adattarsi a vivere in un paese straniero, Mission Statement
  • La scuola accetta spesso studenti internazionali e si impegnerà ad aiutarli ad adattarsi a vivere in un paese straniero, Facoltà, Curriculum, Mission Statement
  • un'. Mission Statement, Curriculum, La scuola accetta spesso studenti internazionali e si impegnerà ad aiutarli ad adattarsi a vivere in un paese straniero, Facoltà
  • Mission Statement, Curriculum, Facoltà, La scuola accetta spesso studenti internazionali e si impegnerà ad aiutarli ad adattarsi a vivere in un paese straniero

Q6. The speaker said “I’m not talking about if they have a gym or a library” as he discussed what topic that could be included in the Research Paragraph?

  • La scuola accetta spesso studenti internazionali e si impegnerà ad aiutarli ad adattarsi a vivere in un paese straniero
  • Mission Statement
  • Curriculum
  • Facoltà

True or false?

Q7. The speaker uses language cues, segnali visivi, and verbal cues to make his points.

  • Vero
  • falso

Q8. Which statement do you think the speaker would probably NON agree with?

  • You should not use your own positive qualities in the research paragraph.
  • Your Research Paragraph should include information about the university that excites you.
  • You should write a different research paragraph for each university that you apply to.

Settimana 04: Academic Listening and Note-Taking Coursera Quiz Answers

Prendere appunti 4 Graded Quiz Answers

Q1. After listening to the Note-Taking Practice 4 conferenza, use your notes to answer the following questions.

Who would benefit from watching this video about Time Management?

  • University students
  • Grandparents
  • Office workers
  • Everyone . . . including those listed above

Out of the following concepts that were discussed in the talk, which was mentioned last?

  • Identify what is most important to you
  • Schedule mindless maintenance during “lazy” hours.
  • Be realistic and kind to yourself.
  • Know when you work best.
  • Match important tasks to your “power hours”.

True or falso?

Q3. When considering what is most important to you, you should think about solutions to the everyday expectations that make you worry and put these first into your calendar.

  • Vero
  • falso

Q4. In the talk, the speaker gives the following examples: "Bene, I have this test tomorrow,” or “I have this bill that is due on Friday.” Which of the five time management concepts was he talking about when he gave these examples?

  • Identify what is most important to you.
  • Be realistic and kind to yourself.
  • Know when you work best.
  • Match important tasks to your “power hours”.
  • Schedule mindless maintenance during “lazy” hours.

Q5. What does the speaker mean when he says, “One of the biggest problems people have is that they are too ambitious.”

  • People plan too much in their schedules.
  • People these days have too many responsibilities and concerns.
  • The long-term goals people make for themselves are too high.

Q6. Which of the following questions would not be appropriate to write in the “Questions/Main Ideas” column on a Cornell Note-taking form?

  • Who need to know how to manage time?
  • What are the five concepts of time management that are discussed in the lecture?
  • Why do we need to learn to manage time?
  • Why do most people have a hard time managing their time?

Q7. Which language cues did the speaker use?

  • “It is like . . . “ (comparison)
  • “Let’s call them . . . “
  • “The last idea that I want to talk about is . . .”
  • Tutti i precedenti

Q8. Which statement do you think the speaker would probably agree with?

  • Planning in social time with friends and family should be on the “most important” list.
  • Among all people in the world, university students need to learn to manage their time the most.
  • The harder that you work and the busier you are, the more you will train your body to be productive.

Di Helen Bassey

Ciao, Sono Elena, uno scrittore di blog appassionato di pubblicare contenuti approfonditi nella nicchia dell'istruzione. Credo che l’istruzione sia la chiave dello sviluppo personale e sociale, e voglio condividere le mie conoscenze ed esperienze con studenti di tutte le età e background. Sul mio blog, troverai articoli su argomenti come le strategie di apprendimento, formazione in linea, orientamento professionale, e altro ancora. Accolgo con piacere anche feedback e suggerimenti da parte dei miei lettori, quindi sentiti libero di lasciare un commento o contattarmi in qualsiasi momento. Spero che ti piaccia leggere il mio blog e che lo trovi utile e stimolante.

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