Arranging for Songwriters Quizzes & Risposte – Coursera
Immerse yourself in the art of arranging with engaging quiz ed esperto risposte su Arranging for Songwriters. Discover the creative process of transforming melodies and lyrics into compelling compositions through thoughtful orchestration and arranging techniques. These quizzes are your gateway to understanding how to enhance the emotional impact and aesthetic appeal of your songs through effective arrangement choices.
Whether you are a novice cantautore looking to elevate your music or a seasoned composer seeking new insights, this collection is tailored to expand your arranging abilità. Join us on a harmonic journey as we delve into the world of music arrangement, open up new possibilities for your songs and hone your skills as a songwriter.
Quiz 1: Quali sono i tuoi obiettivi?
Q1. Quali sono i tuoi obiettivi per questo corso?? Cosa speri di realizzare? Quali competenze speri di migliorare e cosa speri di imparare di più?
Cosa ne pensi?
Q2. Se raggiungi i tuoi obiettivi, dove ti lascerebbe?? Quale sarebbe la cosa migliore, risultato più positivo? Come ti sentiresti il raggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi??
Identifica il tuo miglior risultato e prenditi un momento per immaginarlo nel modo più completo possibile.
Cosa ne pensi?
Q3. Quale ritieni possa essere il tuo più grande ostacolo interno nel raggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi? Cos'è dentro di te che ti trattiene?? Potrebbe essere un'emozione, una convinzione irrazionale, o una cattiva abitudine. Pensa più profondamente: cos'è veramente?
Identifica il tuo principale ostacolo interiore e prenditi un momento per immaginarlo pienamente.
Cosa ne pensi?
Q4. Finalmente, cosa puoi fare per superare il tuo ostacolo? Identifica un'azione che puoi intraprendere o un pensiero a cui puoi pensare per superare il tuo ostacolo.
Prepara tu stesso il seguente piano:
"Se… (ostacolo), allora lo farò... (azione o pensiero).”
Cosa ne pensi?
Quiz 2: New Ways of Listening Quiz
Q1. Which of the following is FALSE about Arranging for Recording?
- You can only use digital elements
- You can work alone and at your own pace
- You can repeat the performance until you get exactly what you want
- You can incorporate any sound or sample you want
Q2. What is the most important arrangement element to consider when arranging for Live Performance?
Inserisci la risposta qui
Q3. As a listener, what are you doing when you are engaging in Critical Listening? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Pensiero critico
- Finding Flaws
- Discovering Mistakes
- Analisi
- Judgement
Q4. Vero o falso: Critical Listening requires toggling back and forth between a playful state of mind and a critical, editorial facility.
- Vero
- falso
Q5. What is another term used to refer to a Horizontal Arrangement?
- Sonic Palette
- Frequency Range
- Form
Q6. Which of the following is a list of instruments organized from lowest to highest frequency?
- Piano, Vocals, Cymbals, Bass
- Bass, Snare, Vocals, Cymbals
- Trumpet, Kick, Guitar, Piano
- Snare, Bass, Cello, Violin
Q7. What are some elements that affect the intensity level in the vertical arrangement?
- Volume
- Rhythmic Subdivisions
- Timbre
- Vibrato
Q8. Vero o falso: Horizontal arrangement deals with the frequency range of a song.
- Vero
- falso
D9. Which of the following describes the song section known as the “bridge”: (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Contains new material
- Usually provides contrast from the verses and chorus
- Sets the stage and tells the story
- Usually contains material from another section
Q10. Which of the following song sections do not usually contain lyrics? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Breakdown
- Outro
- Interlude
- Solo
- Intro/Reintro
Quiz 3: SELF-ASSESSMENT: Create a Horizontal Arrangement of an Original Song
Q1. Did you upload your recording/lyric PDF to the Discussion Forums?
- sì
- No
Q2. Did you upload a future horizontal arrangement chart to the Discussion Forums along with your recording?
- sì
- No
Q3. Now that you have created your first recording/lyric PDF and chart, reflect on your work by going back and doing some Critical Listening.
Here are a few guiding questions to think about as you listen.
- What do you like about your song so far?
- What do you hope to edit?
- Did anything surprise you in the process of making the song? Per esempio, was something easier (or harder) to do than you expected?
- Would you do anything differently in the future?
Cosa ne pensi?
Arranging for Songwriters Week 02 Risposte ai quiz
Quiz 1: Laying the Foundation Quiz
Q1. What two elements should be included in a basic track?
- A rhythmic part
- A backup vocal part
- A vocal part
- A horn part
Q2. What does BPM stand for?
Inserisci la risposta qui
Q3. Tipicamente, where should you place the highest note of a song? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- In the first verse
- In the III (tre) accordo
- In the Chorus
- In the I (uno) accordo
Q4. Choosing the key for a song depends on which of the following factors? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- The feel or timbre of the song
- The vocalists range
- The lowest notes of the vocal part
- The highest notes of the vocal part
Q5. Vero o falso: The best rhythm parts are clear, semplice, and create a conversation with the vocal part.
- Vero
- falso
Q6. Vero o falso: The horizontal arrangement you create in the DAW is permanent.
- Vero
- falso
Q7. In popular music, the most effective rhythm parts will: (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Rhythmically fits together with the vocal part
- Contain a complicated but intriguing rhythmic pattern
- Distracts the listener from the vocalist
- Must remain the same throughout each song section
Q8. According to the “rules” for arranging, when should the chorus first appear in the song?
- Fra 20-40 seconds into a song
- Fra 50-1:10 into a song
- Fra 30-50 seconds into a song
- Fra 1:00-1:30 into a song
D9. Vero o falso: When writing a song, it is good practice to use an idea, subject, or material from the lyric to influence the rhythm choices.
- Vero
- falso
Q10. Vero o falso: According to the “rules” for arranging, a typical song should be at least 4:25 minuti.
- Vero
- falso
Quiz 2: SELF-ASSESSMENT: Create a Basic Track of an Original Song
Q1. Does your basic track include a vocal part?
- sì
- No
Q2. Does your basic track include a main rhythm part?
- sì
- No
Q3. Did you perform your basic track while listening to a click or percussion track?
- sì
- No
Q4. Did you upload your basic track to the Discussion Forums?
- sì
- No
Q5. Did you upload a picture of the horizontal arrangement for your basic track?
- sì
- No
Q6. Now that you have created your basic track, reflect on your work by going back and doing some Critical Listening.
Here are a few guiding questions to think about as you listen.
What do you like about your basic track so far?
What is happening with the tempo, rhythm, and key?
Did anything surprise you in the process of making the basic track? Per esempio, was something easier (or harder) to do than you expected?
What are some things you are looking forward to adding to the basic track to complete your vision of the song?
Cosa ne pensi?
Arranging for Songwriters Week 03 Risposte ai quiz
Quiz 1: Finding the Groove Quiz
Q1. What is the essential function of the bass part?
- It links the rhythm and groove to the harmonic structure
- It adds a countermelody to the guitar part
- It provides an instrumental hook whenever needed
- It plays the ostinato throughout the song
Q2. What is the definition of groove as defined in this class?
- Time Feel
- How all the parts fit together to create a rhythmic texture
- The style the music is played in
- The way that a player or group of players interpret the beat
- How the beat is subdivided
Q3. What two parts do we rely on heavily to influence the groove of a song?
- Bass
- Vocals
- Guitar
- Drums
Q4. Which of the time signatures below are in compound meter?
- 4/4 time signature
- Common time signature symbol
- 6/8 time signature
- 2/4 time signature
Q5. Which of the time signatures below are in odd meter?
- 7/4 time signature
- 9/8 time signature
- 3/4 time signature
- 6/8 time signature
Q6. Which of the following drum kit elements are played with the feet?
- Bass Drum
- Snare Drum
- Floor Tom-Tom
- Crash Cymbal
- Hi-Hat
Q7. Vero o falso: In Drum Kit Notation, notes with stems pointing down indicate that the instrument is played with your hands.
- Vero
- falso
Q8. Which of the following is a list of drum kit elements organized by lowest to highest frequency?
- Crash, Kick, Mid-Toms, Hi-Hat
- Kick, Snare, Hi-Toms, Crash
- Snare, Shaker, Low-Toms, Hi-Hat
- Shaker, Ride, Snare, Kick
D9. Which elements of the drum kit are used to help discern longer phrases? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Hand Percussion
- Snare
- Toms
- Kick
Q10. Vero o falso: In Drum Kit Notation, the “x” note head is used for cymbals.
- Vero
- falso
Quiz 2: SELF-ASSESSMENT: Add a Groove to Your Original Song
Q1. Did you create a drum beat to accompany your original song
- sì
- No
Q2. Did you add a bass line to your drum beat to complete your groove?
- sì
- No
Q3. Did you write a paragraph about why you chose this drum beat and how your new groove supports your basic track?
- sì
- No
Q4. Did you upload your original song, three drum beats, your basic track with groove, and the explanation paragraph to the Discussion Forums?
- sì
- No
Q5. Now that you have added a groove to your original song, what final elements are you looking forward to adding to it to complete your demo?
Cosa ne pensi?
Quiz 2: Instrumentation and Vocals Quiz
Q1. Fill in the blank: Mid-range instrument parts work well when they are arranged in a(n) __ conversation with the vocal part.
- Call and Response
- Closely Voiced
- Identical
- Competing
Q2. What does the A in ADSR refer to in regard to sound envelopes?
- Attack
- Attach
- Ascend
- Auto-tune
Q3. What does the S in ADSR refer to in regard to sound envelopes?
- Suono
- Syncopation
- Swell
- Sustain
Q4. When someone refers to “The Envelope” in a synth, which envelope are they referring to?
- The frequency envelope
- The sustain envelope
- The amplitude envelope
- The filter envelope
Q5. The cello range is similar to the frequency range of what other parts? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Piano
- Bass
- Voice
- Guitar
Q6. What is the most “singable” area for a cello?
- Anything on the C string
- Anything on the D string
- Anything on the G string
- Anything on the A string
Q7. Vero o falso: The cello part for a song should be written similar to or exactly the same as the bass part.
- Vero
- falso
Q8. Horns are usually found in what type of context(S)? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Ceremonial
- Dance
- Celebratory
- Nazione
D9. Which of the following instruments are commonly found in “horn” sections? (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- Clarinet
- Trumpet
- Saxophone
- Flute
- Trombone
Q10. Different parts in an arrangement can become a distraction for the vocal when: (Seleziona tutto ciò che si applica)
- The rhythm has an intricate melodic pattern
- The part is in the same frequency range
- The part is played as a conversation with the vocal
- The part is played in a different octave
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