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Diventa quell

Diventa quell'analista aziendale – Trovare un lavoro! – PARTE 1

Prezzo: $19.99

The course covers everything a student needs to becoming a Professional Business Analyst (BA).

The course overview is structured covering skillset a business analyst ought to have, ranging from designing Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FSD), Sequence Diagram (SD), USE Case (UC), Activity Diagram (corrente alternata), conduction Joint Application Development (JAD), knowledge of SDLC, RAD, RUP, AGILE/SCRUM etc. It begins from ground zero (0) to the highest level of BA expectation. It captures information on what is required to become a BA, and ends with giving you the necessary knowledge a BA needs to succeed on the job with visuals.

You should take this course if you desire to pursue a career in Business Analysis. It will be of great benefit. The course contents far outweighs its value. Enjoy the course and go get that job!

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