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La California imporrà le restrizioni sui cellulari nelle scuole 2026 per aumentare la concentrazione e la salute mentale degli studenti

La California imporrà le restrizioni sui cellulari nelle scuole 2026 per aumentare la concentrazione e la salute mentale degli studenti

Di 2026, La California richiederà alle scuole di limitare o vietare l’uso del cellulare durante le lezioni, con l’obiettivo di creare un ambiente di apprendimento più mirato. Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed A PARTIRE DAL 272, una legge che impone ai distretti scolastici e alle scuole charter di limitare gli studenti’ access to smartphones while class is in session. Schools must implement these policies by July 1, 2026.

This move is part of a broader effort to tackle growing concerns about the impact of excessive cellphone use on students’ mental health. “We know that excessive smartphone use increases anxiety, depressione, and other mental health issues – but we have the power to intervene,” said Governor Newsom. “This new law will help students focus on academics, social development, and the world in front of them, not their screens, when they’re in school.

Under the new law, students will still be allowed to use their phones in emergency situations or when deemed necessary by teachers, amministratori, or medical professionals. Certain exceptions will also apply to students with individualized education plans (IEPs).

The Evolution of School Cellphone Policies

This latest measure builds on a 2019 law that allowed but did not require school districts to regulate cellphone use. Adesso, A PARTIRE DAL 272 takes a firmer stance by making such policies mandatory for all schools. In particolare, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the second-largest in the U.S., has already set its own restrictions. Starting in January 2024, LAUSD students will be prohibited from using cellphones and social media throughout the school day.

Secondo a Pew Research Center indagine, di 72% of high school teachers and 33% of middle school teachers find smartphones to be a significant distraction in the classroom. Inoltre, a report by Common Sense Media revealed that 97% of students use cellphones during the school day, averaging around 43 minutes of screen time. The growing concern is not just about distraction, but also the link between social media use and mental health issues among young people.

In line with the U.S. Surgeon General’s warnings about the negative effects of social media, the new California law seeks to create a healthier school environment by curbing unnecessary smartphone usage.

Parents and Teachers Are Divided on the Issue

The move to restrict cellphone use in schools has sparked debate among parents. UN National Parents Union survey from March 2023 trovato quello 57% of parents support cellphone restrictions at the local level, but not necessarily through a statewide mandate. inoltre, many parents believe students should still have access to their phones during breaks or after-school activities. This highlights the ongoing discussion around how to balance safety, social interaction, and learning in a tech-heavy world.

California Follows a Growing Trend

California isn’t alone in pushing for smartphone restrictions in schools. Other states are taking similar actions. Indiana, Ohio, and Florida have all passed laws limiting cellphone use during class time. Nel frattempo, New York Governor Kathy Hochul and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin are also pushing for statewide bans or restrictions.

Florida was among the first to block student access to social media via school Wi-Fi, in addition to banning phone use during class time. These collective efforts reflect a growing national trend aimed at creating healthier, more productive school environments by limiting the presence of smartphones.

As more states take action, the conversation about how best to regulate cellphone use in schools is likely to continue, with a focus on balancing safety, salute mentale, and academic performance.


  • Helen Bassey

    Ciao, Sono Elena, uno scrittore di blog appassionato di pubblicare contenuti approfonditi nella nicchia dell'istruzione. Credo che l’istruzione sia la chiave dello sviluppo personale e sociale, e voglio condividere le mie conoscenze ed esperienze con studenti di tutte le età e background. Sul mio blog, troverai articoli su argomenti come le strategie di apprendimento, formazione in linea, orientamento professionale, e altro ancora. Accolgo con piacere anche feedback e suggerimenti da parte dei miei lettori, quindi sentiti libero di lasciare un commento o contattarmi in qualsiasi momento. Spero che ti piaccia leggere il mio blog e che lo trovi utile e stimolante.

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Di Helen Bassey

Ciao, Sono Elena, uno scrittore di blog appassionato di pubblicare contenuti approfonditi nella nicchia dell'istruzione. Credo che l’istruzione sia la chiave dello sviluppo personale e sociale, e voglio condividere le mie conoscenze ed esperienze con studenti di tutte le età e background. Sul mio blog, troverai articoli su argomenti come le strategie di apprendimento, formazione in linea, orientamento professionale, e altro ancora. Accolgo con piacere anche feedback e suggerimenti da parte dei miei lettori, quindi sentiti libero di lasciare un commento o contattarmi in qualsiasi momento. Spero che ti piaccia leggere il mio blog e che lo trovi utile e stimolante.

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