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Trova lo scopo della tua vita e capisci come implementarlo

Trova lo scopo della tua vita e capisci come implementarlo

Prezzo: $99.99

Have you ever wondered why you feel so unfilled in life? Its because you aren’t aligned to your values and what is important to you.

We all reach that stage in life where we know there is way more capability within us to do something more meaningful, to bring us more felicità e fulfilment, and to help others.

The problem is that we don’t really know what it is we are here to do, or how to work that out.

Then we face the problem ofif I find out what it is we are here for, piccoli miglioramenti scopo, how do go about changing my life and following my scopo“?

That is what you will learn from this course, through Rob Sewell’s trusted Pathway To Purpose Blueprint.

Questo è un 6 step blueprint to not only finding a life’s scopo, but also how to strumento it and understand how to get paid for it!

What You Will Achieve:

1. Have a deep understanding of who you are and how you currently operate at a core level.

2. Understand what is most important to you and what you deeply value.

3. Create and develop both a “più alto” e “specific life’s purposeto understand how you can change your life forever.

4. Understand the importance of vision and intent in the process of changing your life.

5. Understand how to take a life’s purpose and turn it into a new life (What no one else is telling you).

6. The methods and tools to really create and maintain lasting change.

That is where this course differs from others in that this will take you from a clear understanding of why you are where you are in your life right now, through finding what is truly important to you and your specific scopo in life, to then go on and actually understand how to change your mindset and gain the clarity and skills to implement it.

This is about personal success, this is about changing your life forever.

I’ll take you from the conception of a new life to a state of being where you will create exactly the life you want and understand how to get paid for it”!

Who am I to teach you this?

My name is Rob Sewell and I have gone through this entire process myself, I don’t talk the talk, I’ve walked the work. Dopo 10 years as an academic scientist I committed what I now see as the cardinal sin; the career change based on seeking more money not fulfilment and purpose. This is not sustainable. After another 10 years in corporate sales and marketing I was burnt out, had a loss of direction, and had to admit I was completely lost in life. Through a process of self development and discovery I found my purpose of helping others to find their direction in life and became a successful transformational coach and online business owner. I now love my life of living through values and purpose.

I’m here to help you find yours.

Così, are you ready to fulfill your purpose? Se è così dove applicheremo ciò di cui stiamo discutendo, I look forward to seeing you in the course!

Garanzia: I know you will love this course. tuttavia, offriamo una garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni senza domande se il corso non soddisfa le tue esigenze per qualsiasi motivo.


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