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How to Write Space Opera (SF Sisters)

How to Write Space Opera (SF Sisters)

Prezzo: $29.99

Do you want to write a book?

In particolare, do you want to learn about writing a book in the genre of Science Fiction, Space Opera?

Do you love classic SF?

In these two courses, I’m going to show you some of the familiar conventions and tropes of 20th century SF. I’m going to show you how to approach plot, personaggi, world and story to create a convincing, optimistic vision of the future, at the same time as a satisfying read. But I’m going to apply, as I expect you to apply, experience and judgment to those conventions and tropes. I’m going to show you what’s wrong with the way that both classic and contemporary SF is written, show you how to adapt the tropes and conventions so they will be meaningful to readers.


  • What makes it SF

  • How to define your rules for following the conventions of SF writing

  • How to build an SF Universe suitable for Space Opera

  • How to create characters for Space Opera

  • How to compose a group of main characters

  • How to conceive and design the plot of a Space Opera

All the images used in the course are either original or NASA images in the public domain.

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