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MO-100, 200, 300: Microsoft Office Specialist Associate cert

MO-100, 200, 300: Microsoft Office Specialist Associate cert

Prezzo: $94.99

Microsoft says that this certification demonstrates that you have the skills needed to get the most out of Office by earning a Microsoft Office Specialist: Associate certification in multiple Office programs.

Obtaining this requires passing 3 esami: the MO-100 Word exam, the MO-200 Excel exam, and the MO-300 PowerPoint exam. In questo corso, we’ll take each in turn, and go through all of the requirements for each exam.

In the MO-100 Parola part of this course, we’ll be looking at:

  • Manage documents

  • Insert and format text, paragraphs, and sections

  • Manage tables and lists

  • Create and manage references

  • Insert and format graphic elements

  • Manage document collaboration

In the MO-200 Eccellere part of this course, we’ll be looking at:

  • Manage worksheets and workbooks

  • Manage data cells and ranges

  • Manage tables and table data

  • Perform operations by using formulas and functions

  • Manage charts

In the MO-300 Presa della corrente part of this course, we’ll be looking at:

  • Manage presentations

  • Manage slides

  • Recapping how to Insert and format text, forme, and images, tabelle, grafici, smartArt, 3D models, and media – but we’ll already have done most of the work in the Word part of this course.

  • Apply transitions and animations

Non è richiesta alcuna conoscenza preliminare. And there are regular Practice Activities and quizzes per aiutarti a ricordare le informazioni, così puoi essere sicuro che stai imparando.

Una volta completato questo corso, you will have an expanded knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. E con un po' di pratica, you could even take the official Microsoft exams, which will get you four Microsoft Office Specialist certifications – Word Associate, Excel Associate, PowerPoint Associate, and the overall Microsoft Office Specialist Associate. Wouldn’t these official Microsoft certifications look good on your CV or resume?

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