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Genitori insegnando affari e imprenditorialità per i bambini

Genitori insegnando affari e imprenditorialità per i bambini

Prezzo: $94.99

Foster the skills in your child that will benefit your kids for the rest of their lives while forming a stronger bond with you.

This course is made for parents who want to teach their kids the following life and career skills:

  • Entrepreneurship and fundamentals of starting a business

  • Productivity and organization

  • How to achieve and do things to a high standard of quality

  • Importance of hard work

  • First job that is extremely educational

  • Lucrative career skills for the future

  • Real-world skills that will transfer over to help your children do better in school and get into a better college

I have identified a large number of life/business/career success skills that range from focus to organization to time management to emotional intelligence to many others, and in this course, I guide parents on how to steer their children into business ideas that not only make money, but also teach kids and teenagers valuable life skills that will be useful in their education and eventual careers.

You and your child will be able to build a business together, work side by side, and bond over something productive and educational. You will have an opportunity to teach them many valuable life skills, and keep them positively engaged for a long time while letting their creativity and many other skills flourish.


My name is Alex Genadinik. I don’t claim to be a parenting expert, but I am a true business expert. I am a self-made successful entrepreneur and I’ve coached over 1,000 entrepreneurs and have created many products for entrepreneurs. I know exactly what it takes to achieve business and career success.

I created this parenting course to instill the most valuable business and productivity skills in your children while they are young, to set them on a path to career success.


What really sets this parenting course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours I hold with students. The office hours are a group call with other students or one-on-one where you can make connections and get extra business advice from me and other parents with whom you can talk about their parenting experiences teaching kids about entrepreneurship. During office hours, you can ask any business or parenting question you want, e farò del mio meglio per aiutarti. Gli orari d'ufficio sono gratuiti, Non provo a vendere nulla. It is just something I do to make your course experience better.

I form many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day I can meet you.


* Un sacco di omaggi extra, fogli di lavoro scaricabili, ed esercizi per rendere il corso più interattivo e prezioso

* Chiamata di coaching gratuita di 15 minuti

* Invito personale alla mia community di Facebook dopo aver completato il corso

* La mia lista di 50 capacità di successo negli affari al termine del corso


This parenting course comes with an unconditional, Sostenuto da Udemy, 30-giorno soddisfatti o rimborsati. Questa non è solo una garanzia, è la mia promessa personale che farò di tutto per aiutarti ad avere successo, proprio come ho fatto per migliaia di altri miei studenti.

Invest in your child’s future. Iscriviti ora.

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