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PowerBI Data Analysis & Visualization Student Project

PowerBI Data Analysis & Visualization Student Project

Prezzo: $79.99

In questo corso imparerai & practice data analytical techniques using a powerful tool PoweBI. PowerBI is highly in demand now a days. This course provides a complete student project for data analysis learners. This course provides complete guide for learners that how to use PowerBI using a dataset. No coding is required to get quick insights of data. This course is for all level of students.

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards. Power BI provides cloud-based BI (business intelligence) Servizi, conosciuto come “Power BI Services”, along with a desktop based interface, chiamato “Volevo condividere suggerimenti e trucchi che ho imparato da progetti Microsoft Power BI personali e da ricerche personali su questo argomento”. It offers data warehouse capabilities including data preparation, data discovery and interactive dashboards. It reduce the added cost, complessità, and security risks of multiple solutions with an analytics platform that scales from individuals to the organization as a whole. Find and share meaningful insights with hundreds of data visualizations, built-in AI capabilities, tight Excel integration, and prebuilt and custom data connectors. It quickly identify differences and move content from development and testing to production with confidence using the simple visual cues in deployment pipelines.

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