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Python for Beginners [ Corso completo  ]

Python for Beginners [ Corso completo ]

Prezzo: $89.99

Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer’s most requested skills of 2021!

Questo è il most comprehensive, ma semplice, corso per il linguaggio di programmazione Python su Udemy! Che tu non abbia mai programmato prima, conosci già la sintassi di base, o vuoi conoscere le funzionalità avanzate di Python, questo corso fa per te! In questo corso lo faremo teach you Python 3.

This comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned!

Questo corso ti insegnerà Python in modo pratico, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook! Impara nel modo migliore per te!

We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer,

Copriamo un'ampia varietà di argomenti, Compreso:


Nozioni di base

  • About Python

  • How To Install And Setup

  • Write Your First Program In Python

  • Variables in Python

  • List in Python

  • Tuple and Set in Python

  • Dictionary in Python

  • Numeric Data Type in Python

  • User Input in Python

  • If Else Logical Control In Python

  • While Loop In Python

  • For Loop In Python

  • 3 Ways to swap numbers in python


  • Functions In Python

  • Types of Arguments In Python function

  • Local and Global variables in Python

  • Lambda in Python

  • Using Filter Function with Lambda

  • Creating Function inside the Function using Decorators in Python

  • Understanding __name__ Variable in Python

  • Handling Exception in Python

  • Database Connection with Python

  • Working with Files in Python

  • Ways To Swap Number In Python

    Oops Concepts

  • Classes and Objects in Python

  • Constructor By __Init__ Method in Python

  • Static and Class Variable in Python

  • Class and Static Methods in Python

  • Inheritance in Python

  • Constructors in Inheritance in Python

  • Method Overloading In Python

  • Method Overriding In Python

  • Abstract Classes and Methods in Python

  • Creating Telegram Chatbot

You will get lifetime access

Questo corso viene fornito con un 30 garanzia di rimborso di un giorno! Se non sei soddisfatto in alcun modo, riavrai i tuoi soldi.

Allora, cosa stai aspettando? Impara Python in un modo che farà progredire la tua carriera e aumenterà le tue conoscenze, il tutto in modo divertente e pratico!

A chi è rivolto questo corso:

  • Beginners who have never programmed before.

  • Programmers switching languages to Python.

  • Intermediate Python programmers who want to level up their skills!

Nota: I will Keep this course updating from time to time so that it can cover the new functionality added in Python. You can further use your knowledge for machine learning too in future after going through the entire course.

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