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Il 72 Names of God – Kabbalah spiritual healing – Livello 2

Il 72 Names of God – Kabbalah spiritual healing – Livello 2

Prezzo: $29.99

In this course we shall continue to deepen our knowledge about the 72 Names of God and acquire additional practical tools to implement them in life.

To participate in this course, you need to complete level-1 of “The 72 Names of God – Kabbalah tools for healing and transformation”.

You must be familiar with the basic knowledge of the sacred names so you can understand what you are working with.

Level-2 of the course continues from the point where level-1 was completed.

We shall go deeper into healing work and learn how to choose the letter combinations for deep healing.

Another important topic you will learn is process work through which you will define your vision, and remove the obstacles that stand in your way one by one.

You will explore different groups of letter combinations that will help you heal and transform many areas of your life so you can reach joy, abundance and fulfillment.

You will also learn essential concepts in Kabbalah, which will deepen your understanding about the big cosmic plan – the Thought of Creationand how it is manifested in your life.

Durante il corso, we shall practice different meditazione techniques that will enrich your experience with the letter combinations.

Working with the 72 Names of God, is the most effective way to solve your ongoing problems from the root, to get immediate relief in stressful circumstances, expand your consciousness, control your destiny, realize your purpose in the world, and bring light, hope and balance into your life.

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