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The Complete Resilience Course – Master Emotional Resiliency

The Complete Resilience CourseMaster Emotional Resiliency

Prezzo: $109.99

Il Complete Resilience CourseMaster Emotional Resiliency
Costruire Resilience You Can Master Self-Discipline – Intelligenza emotiva – Stress ManagementOvercome Adversity

When tough times come, and they will come, you will need resilienza. It’s easy to be calm and the picture of success when everything is going well, but what about when crises, failures and catastrophes occur?

Resilience is not something you’re born with. But it is a skill set you can build. Personal development expert TJ Walker will lead you through this transformational resilienza corso. Using his unique SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) metodo, Walker will teach you how to build strengthening daily habits in every major sphere of your life.

Many people go through life building on the strengths in only one sphere of their life, such as their career or marriage. When setbacks occur, they have nothing else to hold onto. They are non-resiliente.

Walker will help you build resilienza by acquiring strong daily habits to improve your life in the following seven spheres:

1. Self-control/Agency

2. Salute

3. Love/Friendship/Relationships

4. Lifelong Learning

5. Creating/Demonstrating Purpose

6. Leisure

7. Ricchezza

If you are currently struggling with your resilienza, now is the Time to make yourself stronger. If you are not facing a crisis at the moment, now is the perfect time to strengthen yourself to withstand all future setbacks in life.

You cannot control negative events that happen in your life. But you can’t control how you respond. Resilience can be your secret to success in leading a fulfilling, meaningful and happy life.

Please enroll in this resilience course proprio adesso.

Ecco cosa dicono gli studenti Udemy di questo corso:

This is one amazing course and so refreshing. Nothing much technical and I took this course most of the time during commuting. Helped me a lot with improving focus. Syeda Afiffa Batool

A fantastic course, one where I learned a great deal, thank you TJ!” Steve Monk

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