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The Science of Effective Habit Change

The Science of Effective Habit Change

Prezzo: $24.99

Why I made this for you

It’s time for some real expert advice from a trained professional. I bet you’ve had the thought that there is so much out there, it is hard to know where to begin. These days the blogosphere is just buzzing with fad after fad of pop tips and weird tricks to do such and such so you can be just like so and so. It is really hard to find quality content out there that can actually help you accomplish what you set out to do. It’s tempting to just keep searching and reading and not actually doing anything to improve.

So heyI’ve decided to do something about it. I created this course for you so that you don’t have to wonder aimlessly through the web of mindless hacks out there. This course will give you a provata e pratico framework for personal development success. Unlike most of what you’ll see out there, the methods and practices you’ll learn in this course are drawn from scientifically validated principles of psychology. Vedi, I’ve been studying this stuff for years and seen it work time and time again in the people and organizations that I’ve worked with.

Why should you enroll in this course?

  • You will learn the 4 Simple Rules of Habit Change.
  • You will learn the different stages on the Path to Mastery, e how to progress through each one.
  • You will get the Essential Tools to launch you on your journey to a better you.

Get the practical know-how and basic tools to develop new habits in as little as 30 giorni, using the right tools in the right way for efficace e Ci vuole un solo giorno per costruire il modello habit change. Iscriviti ora.

Increasing Value Over Time

This course is just the beginning, and will continue to grow and develop as I add new content. Questo significa the value of this course will continue to go up col tempo, and the price will also increase to reflect that value. But since you’re here right now, I encourage you to take advantage of enrolling now.

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