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University of Bath Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship UK 2024

Are you an international student looking to pursue a master’s degree in the United Kingdom? The University of Bath is offering an excellent opportunity with the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship 2024. This scholarship is partially funded and aims to recognize students with outstanding academic qualifications and a proven track record of success.
About the Scholarship
The Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship 2024-2025 is designed for international students pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Bath. Each faculty at the university will be granted eight scholarships, each valued at £5,000, per un totale di 24 scholarships across the Faculty of Engineering & Design, Faculty of Humanities & Scienze sociali, and Faculty of Science.
Benefici della borsa di studio
Each faculty will award eight scholarships worth £5,000. These awards are available for full-time taught master’s courses and can only be used as fee waivers towards the cost of tuition fees.

  • 8 x £5,000 scholarships available in the Faculty of Engineering & Design
  • 8 x £5,000 scholarships available in the Faculty of Humanities & Scienze sociali
  • 8 x £5,000 scholarships available in the Faculty of Science

Criteri di ammissibilità

To apply for the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship, devi:

  • Hold an offer from the University of Bath for a full-time taught master’s course starting in 2024.
  • The course must be based in the Faculty of Engineering & Design, Faculty of Humanities & Scienze sociali, or Faculty of Science.

Procedura di richiesta

To apply for the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship, Segui questi passi:

  1. Apply for a full-time taught master’s course in one of the following faculties: Faculty of Engineering & Design, Faculty of Humanities & Scienze sociali, or Faculty of Science.
  2. Apply for the scholarship using the University of Bath scholarship application form through your application tracker. You will be asked to complete 3-5 questions as part of the scholarship application process.

Please note that you can apply for this scholarship once you have received an offer to study with the University of Bath.

The application deadlines for the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship are as follows:

  • Apply by 23 gennaio 2024 for a decision by 20 febbraio 2024
  • Apply by 24 aprile 2024 for a decision by 26 Maggio 2024
  • Apply by 17 luglio 2024 for a decision by 14 agosto 2024

Don’t miss this opportunity to pursue your master’s degree at the University of Bath with financial support from the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship. Apply by the specified deadlines and take the first step towards an enriching academic journey in the UK.

Di Helen Bassey

Ciao, Sono Elena, uno scrittore di blog appassionato di pubblicare contenuti approfonditi nella nicchia dell'istruzione. Credo che l’istruzione sia la chiave dello sviluppo personale e sociale, e voglio condividere le mie conoscenze ed esperienze con studenti di tutte le età e background. Sul mio blog, troverai articoli su argomenti come le strategie di apprendimento, formazione in linea, orientamento professionale, e altro ancora. Accolgo con piacere anche feedback e suggerimenti da parte dei miei lettori, quindi sentiti libero di lasciare un commento o contattarmi in qualsiasi momento. Spero che ti piaccia leggere il mio blog e che lo trovi utile e stimolante.

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