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Life & business lessons from 3 billionaires

Life & business lessons from 3 billionaires

Price: $19.99

Growing personally and growing your business comes down to a simple principle:


Modeling accelerates growth.

If there’s something you’re not good at, model those who are good at it.

In this course, Nisandeh Neta, a multimillionaire business expert and philanthropist will guide you by explaining the business and life lessons he learned from Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey.

Most important: Nisandeh is answering questions almost daily to help you keep growing your business.

Nisandeh has helped more than 150000 business owners grow their business while freeing slave girls around the world, bringing light to rural areas, supporting young entrepreneurs in South Africa together with Richard Branson, building schools and more.

Personal growth and business growth without contribution is meaningless, and in this course, Nisandeh will share with you how to do both, based on the wisdom of some of the world’s top billionaire philanthropists.


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